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The Brits

Blame Jono

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Didn't get to watch the Brits this year, I'll have to try and get a copy of the transmission from somewhere! In previous years I have been v. impressed with the finished product, but from what you guys have been saying doesnt sound too impressive this year :** laughs out loud **:


Has anyone watched the Classic Brits before..I remember seeing a bit of it a year or 2 ago, they had this huge set made from what looked like steel, it was fantastic! Would love to work on the production team for the Birts...anyone got any contacts :P

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Has anyone watched the Classic Brits before..I remember seeing a bit of it a year or 2 ago, they had this huge set made from what looked like steel, it was fantastic! Would love to work on the production team for the Birts...anyone got any contacts :P

I have never watched the classic brits but seen lots of photos and the set and lighting does look amazing. Way better than the normal Brits.


I would also love to work for the Brits production team (maybe I could raise the standard slightly :** laughs out loud **: :P ). I would love to stage manage live award ceremonies but on the credits it never says Stage Manager??? Is that because there isn't one or is that because STage Managers are being deemed unimportant (which they certainly are not) again!! We really deserve more credit than we get,


The problem is in the words of Sir Peter Hall; A good stage Manager is not noticed!! I suppose though when you sign up for the job you know that your not going to get any credit or acknowledgement

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If you say so.


Yeah. Stage Managers do a lot of work and deserve some credit for a change. I think Stage Management is one of the hardest and most demanding jobs in the theatre.


I think they are probably called something else; floor manager, platform manager, production coordinator etc etc etc


Think your probably right!



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Yeah. Stage Managers do a lot of work and deserve some credit for a change. I think Stage Management is one of the hardest and most demanding jobs in the theatre.

I agree they deserve credit but dont think you can realy generalise and say any job is harder than another.


I did intend the original coment to be tacken light heartedly.

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Perhaps someone could tell us exactly what sort of incommers there are, but I would imagine it to be two or three 300A 3/phase supplies at least.

there is not really that sort of income, it has its own substation (on the roof I think) so it can have whatever powere you need to get where ever you need it. it is not unusual, the same is true at wembly arena if memory serves correct

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ROH has its own sub station too... and 5000 ways of dimming (including lots of 5k circuits) the only place in the world with more dimmers (according the Michael Scott) is the Mormon Tabernacle Church in Utah! They have 7500...that's some sermon! There is also one under leicester square tube station that powers lots of the West End theatres.
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Does Anyone know the 3 songs that Duran Duran Did?

Exactly, so boring nobody knows what they did.


it has its own substation (on the roof I think) so it can have whatever powere you need to get where ever you need it.

Pure heaven, we're about to do Jesus Christ Superstar and weve got 120A!

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Count yourself lucky, in my day we only had 63A and a Strand Junior 8


63A! You were so lucky, we had to spin the generators by hand and sit there with toggle switches to dim our lights


Lights! We had to use candles, and the matches always blew out


Matches! We had to light our shows with sparks from flint and steel


Steel! We had to make do with lumps of coal, and our theatre was a small cardboard box int' middle ot' road.


(Sorry, in a silly mood right now.)

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"Right. I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, eat a lump of cold poison, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad would kill us, and dance about on our graves singing "Hallelujah."


Quite. ;)



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