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History of Lighting


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Hi Ken

First of all, I'm sorry mods as this is totally off-topic but...

My other half has just submitted his PhD today after 4 years. OK, so his is in the robotics industry and nothing to do with yours but I know how you feel. He used to sit there reading other people's work and thinking he would never be at that stage and only 2 weeks ago, he still had about 100 pages to write.

So you can do it and although you can't imagine the day, it will happen! And oh what amount of alcohol will be consumed tonight!!

Keep going with it and you will get there!!



P.s - something I've learned from him - keep a note of EVERYTHING you read! You will forget in a few months time and when you have to cite it, it's a pain in the bum :)

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Fred Bentham`s book is probably an essential read on the subject:




and George C Izenour , one for getting from the library unless your credit card is feeling healthy, a gentleman who was building practical moving lights in the 1950`s:



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