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Speakon + Harting/Socapex?


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I think this whole thread is down to personal choise but also the size of compny etc. if I were to make such a lead I can trust all 8 of the different blokes that could plug this lead in will know the risks and not be that stupid to plug a speaker into mains, ok acidents happen so I think is down to persoanl choise.
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That would not be good enough for a risk assessment! You can't know for sure....and personally I'd rather fork out for some speakon then put my expensive PA at any risk. Plus if the lead were unplugged, on a wet stage there is some serious potential for 'accidents' there.
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for me the issue has closed as today I ordered nice new shiney 4core speaker wires ;)


tomorrow I'll be making up a job lot of 2-1 and 1-2 speakon splitters and when the wire arrives I'll be making up suitable lengths!


Truth be known, right now we dont have the staff capable of taking the necessary care at the moment, and I cant think of a way to be SURE that one of the harting connectors in my hand by the dimmers, is the one of 6 that has the speakers at the end.


for this I'm going the speakon/splitter route... but it was very interesting finding other's ideas on the subject! hope it still runs cause its still got me interested!

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I see this as a dangerous idea in the fact that the Harting/Socca with the speaker leads is totaly and freely interchangeable with any other dimming connector.


On a dimmer rack there will be several Harting outs of which only one will be patched to the speakers. If, on bringing up dimmers certain lights do not light then its reasonable in the heat of the moment that connectors get swapped to see if the problem is dimmers or cables etc.


In such circumstances the speakers could be plugged to live dimmers.


This will obviously damage the speakers but in doing so if the driver coils blow and short to the speaker chassis you could have a live speaker, can this voltage then be present on the outside of the speaker enclosure via mounting bolts or metal grills. I don't know I'm not a sound man.


I also recall that the OP ceecrb1, was the guy who was concerned with the mains connectors on Chineese LED screens, so I would have though that such a safety conceious guy would have kicked this idea into touch straight away.

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I also recall that the OP ceecrb1, was the guy who was concerned with the mains connectors on Chineese LED screens, so I would have though that such a safety conceious guy would have kicked this idea into touch straight away.


yeah your right...


take more note of my original post.


I was posting here because my coleagues at work are arguing over the best system, but.

MY VIEW is we needed to buy 4core speaker wires and just have 1 extra cable ran for ever pair (obviously using splitters at each end of the 4core speakon)


I posted the question looking for "2nd" opinion from in (my view) a FAR more safety concience and expeirienced group of techs, before I take the idea to the next stage...

(part of my recent promotion to tech supervisor is I am getting all the good and bad ideas the techs have thrown at me and told to talk the bosses.... )

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a job lot of 2-1 and 1-2 speakon splitters


Sorry, but what exactly would a 2-1 be used for?

Secondly - as you mentioned before, the purpose for all of this is so you have a "center fill" on your FOH truss? that would be mono - so you would only need one line of speakon (it makes sence to split it on the truss rather than at the amp rack!!)






Robert Kendall ;)

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ok now I'm confused.. why do you say it needs to be mono?


I'm saying..

speakon wired as 4 core, and exit as 2 cables each of 2 core, to 2 individual speakons.

(a Y split)


Repeat this at each end and you got 2 channels in one cable...

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