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Home Made Smoke Chiller

Guest joewhite903

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This is getting both dangerous and stupid. Maybe the thread should be re-named "How to remove yourself from the gene pool quickly"


Honestly, High pressure containers are not something to be played about with. they need some one who has alott of engineering knowledge. This is not the sort of thing that can be used with "silver hose" and "tumble dryer extractor tube". Please move away from this idea before you blow your self and others to pieces.





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Guest joewhite903
thought I would let you guys know a little sumthing or two before you all think im compltley mad and remove myself from some form off gene pool. I have spoken to my boss's best made who I just found out is an enginner for Tennants and has done so for 25 years and is gonna teach me all safty aspects off working with CO2 and anougher thing if I dont feel 100% safe with sumthing im doing I just stop I dont risk it. if im not happy then im not going to risk anybody else life just for an effect. joe
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CO2 use in drinks dispense is very different to what you intend to do and your bosses best mate is likely to only have very very limited understanding what's involved. I don't mean any offence to you or them and have had a fair bit of experiance installing and repairing dispense and carbonation kit myself but it simply isn't the same thing.


You really shouldn't feel 100% safe with what you are intending to do as quite simply it won't work, you will not get a useful cooling effect from using CO2 in this way without causing serious danger to you and others. If you are not capable of designing a more efficient system then you are not competent to do any work of this kind.


There are potentially legal problems as well. In pub and bar installations they are made up from tested and tagged components and then the system as a whole is certified by the brewer, it's unlikely a brewery employee will be able to certify anything they do not do as part of their work for the brewery.


The suggestion on the previous page is quite frankly crap and I wouldn't trust the competence of anyone who thought it was a good idea for even a second.


Sorry to sound rude...

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Guest joewhite903
thats ok, but I am very confident in things that I build , he has sudjested anougher idea to me which is a bit safer and that is to use a mini refrideration system life the Tennants ice cold chiller and build a copper coil to go in line rather than beer cause with glycol it dosent freeze and will drop to around -11 which is great , but im still gonna experment with the CO2 but only if I can work out how to be 100% sure its safe before I use it anywere publicly
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use a mini refrideration system life the Tennants ice cold chiller...

Good idea. Flash coolers come up on eBay all the time and I'm sure your bosses friend will be able to get their hands on one cheaply or even for free. Most either get remanufactured or chucked when a brewery takes them out of a premises when all they really need is a good clean and possibly a bit of simple maintenance. Most have at least one cooling coil for the beer and a coolant recirculation pump so it should take very little work to integrate one into your system.


Only thing to watch out for is that some have a mold inhibitor added to the coolant which can be a bit nasty so it's probably worth giving it a good flush out before you start playing around with it.

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As said previously I have personal experience and knowledge of the effects of gaseous CO2 upon individuals and this was my main concern with this project, I have no working knowledge of chilling with CO2 but appreciate the comments about liquid CO2 and the hazards identified.


Last night I watched on TV an episode of Emmerdale in which a CO2 fire extinguisher was used and it occured to me that what joewhite903 is wanting to do is little different to discharging a CO2 fire extinguisher.


Discharging such an extinguisher is just opening a cylinder of liquid CO2 to atmosphere, chilling occurs, the discharge pipe and horn of the extinguisher can become cold enough to burn and inverting the extinguisher will discharge liquid CO2 and yet such extinguishers are readily available in certain locations and can be used by any member of the public.


joewhite 903 has said that he will excersise the utmost caution, so are we being too alarmist or are my obsevations incorrect?


I also think that this should be a garden shed project for personal satisfaction and remain so, not to be taken into the public domain.

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Guest joewhite903

Appreciate what you have said woody. Like ive said I intend only to use it in public if im absolutly sure that it can in no way be off any harm too anybody , im not like some people that use the excuse off ohh its safe so long as u only do it for so long or somthing stupid like that , this unit will only be used with CO2 if it is safe enough to be used continusly if not then it dosent get used.



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So are you going to test it on some people, and if they aren't injured or killed then you'll use it in a public place? You've already asked for help in making your invention safe, which would suggest that you are not the best qualified person to judge whether it really is or not. Honestly, there are several serious engineering challenges involved in what you are proposing, not to mention the potential health risks as well.


You would be better off hiring a big low-fogger to get the effect you want. It'll be much easier and safer, assuming you follow the manufacturers instructions to the letter. I'm not suggesting that you wouldn't, but if there are regulations, policies, guidelines, or just simple instructions then you'd need a really good reason not to follow them.

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Guest joewhite903

Dont mean to be rude or anything, But one thing that is really starting to pi** me off is the fact that too many off you guys seem to think I aint got a clue or that im an idiot or sumthing off the sort. off which im not. I posted on this for ideas on how to make my idea safe and hear what others had tried, I didnt post to be told things like "trying to remove myself from the gene pool" or killing somebody. im very experienced in what I do. but unlike some of u folks that think your perfect cause u have went to uni or sumthing off the likes. I'm Self taught, and iff I dont know something I ask rather than just try, Guys that just try without asking are the ones that get them self or others injured. :off:



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It really isn't a case of us thinking we are perfect, I certainly haven't been to uni and am self-taught to a large degree however if I was embarking on a project like this I would start with a hell of a lot of research. Between shouts of "don't do it!" there are a fair things worthy of being googled, maybe go to your local library and read a book or two, find out about your legal position and what is required in the way of testing. Being self-taught does mean the information won't be handed to you on a plate but in my opinion thats half the fun.


At the moment it doesn't sound like you are capable of deciding if your invention is safe, that isn't to say you're thick but simply that you need to do some more learning as would I if I was embarking on a similar project.

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We don't mean to be rude either, its just that you have asked for advice and seem to be ignoring it. People have been trying to get across to you just how difficult/dangerous your idea is. If people have mentioned the possibility of injury or death it is only because they hope to shock you into not doing what you have suggested. To put it very bluntly, if you build your chiller and it fails somehow then someone may be injured and it will be your responsibility. I hope you could live with that. I know I couldn't. Sorry to be so blunt but it is true.


If you want ideas on how to get the effect you want, heres mine : hire a low-fogger. I'm not going to tell you how to build your own CO2 chiller because I do not know how to. What I do know is that it will not be easy. You asked for ideas that other people have tried. No one else has built their own CO2 chiller. Surely that should tell you something.

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FWIW, I used to work for a well known special effects company based in mitcham :P, I remember when the new low smoke chamber was being designed (replacement of the LSX- essentially a fridge on wheels) as simple as the thing is, there was a hell of alot of research into it, I remember in the testing, they found things being frozen to the floor, there was an element of trial and error but it was in a contained,safe,lab.


C02 is very dangerous on its own, and without the right mix/pressure you could hurt others, yourself, or indeed kill someone-these canisters are under immense pressure, and expensive, and as much as having a play can be fun, caution needs to be excercised.


Depending on how long you need the effect for, using the smoke over ice idea is a cheap easy alternative.(ive made models lasting 30-40 mins)

Your mate who works in the brewery ISNT going to know much past his quoter of chilling beer, no disrespect intended, If indeed you are intending on using c02 please contact someone (lemaitre) at least for some insight, I'm afraid you could hurt someone, damage someone,or at worst kill someone and that is not something id want to live with.


I cant tell you not to experiment, because you will, but please if your going to at least talk to the experts then you have heard it from the horses mouth, and if indeed you do hurt yourself, or others then you will be responsible.



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