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Combined power and signal cable


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TMB do a cable that's made up of the following:

1 of 1PNE

2 of Cat 5e

2 of DMX shielded single twisted pair


That would probably be suitable, although I doubt you need the Cat5 component.


I don't know the price to be honest - just saw a sample at PLASA.

It's very thick stuff though - the sample I saw was almost an inch in diameter!

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Another thought on a good way to loom your own might be to use that expandable braided sleeving (I'm thinking you could do that in one continuous length, so have no issues with snagging etc). Not sure how easy it would be though.


That TMB cable sounds interesting, but a bit overkill for what I need (2 cat5 and 1 signal extra), but I can see how 2 x DMX would be nice for running to remote fixtures.


I spoke to VDC about cable as well, as I normally like to use VDC where I can. They told me "We will be launching a new cable in the next couple of months with is perfect for your requirement and is called "ambicore" - it's just a shame that it is in production at the moment."



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