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Live the theatre...artificial life and light can change. - Eric Strickler

In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. - Aaron Rose


and one other that is related


Everything looks more beautiful in the dark - The Felix Culpa

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My favourite general one:


'Light travels faster than sound - that's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak'



The one I seem to say more often to people these days:


'Hey, if it weren't for me, you'd be in the dark!' (as below)



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  • 3 weeks later...

"Good lighting achieves the objectives."


Now you can have a long debate about what the objectives might be - in different pieces the various objectives outlined by Pilbrow (See Ken's posting) can have different priorities. Usually visibility is the number one but at times mood may be more important than visibility. (Or is that me smarting from a recent crit that said "at times the lighting was too dark"?) In some pieces the lighting might be creating the setting, in others providing shocks and drama, but probably the "best" lighting is the lighting the public don't consciously realise they have experienced.

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My fave quote (used many a time by me) was during a heated debate between the big three ( noise boys, vidiots, and lampies) and the LD was called a "lampie" his reply:


"I am not a lampie, I am an artist fixtures are my brush, light is my paint, and the stage is my canvas". :)


This did indeed end that argument mainly because we were laughing so hard no one could say a word!

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