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Club Lighting Desk


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with the azure you can do sound to light, link it into "environments" which are basically a set of different memories running, set the environment playing to change automatically every 5 minutes etc etc.


You can do these with the Masterpiece desk. You can easily turn any chase into sound to light by changing it's operation mode, you can have sound to light scenes over 3 banks of 4 zones (bass, mid, treble, alto)


Also you can have environments chasing which is probably one of the best advantages this desk has over many desks out there. You can have one whole enviroment either fade or snap to a completely different environment. This means that over time, your movers will have made many different movement effects, many different colour and gobo looks and many stopper effects without having to touch or move or change a thing!

I use the environment chases alot when I go on a break or when I'm off. I have a button per attribute so one button will chase many different pan and tilt movements (from many selected as seperate environments, one button going through stopper effects, one for colour effects and one for gobo effects. Set them all at different fade times and slope speeds and turn them all on. The result is a vast array of endless and unique enviroment effects.


Alot of clubs I've seen use Fat Frogs and when the operator is away they leave it to sit on one movement and one 'look'. With the Masterpiece, the Environments change over time so that the look is different after a while.

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Gunna reccomend the Avolites Azure. It's truly excellent. I've seen them used in clubs before and I use them myself for big discos/club nights.


They're not as hard to learn as I think you'd expect, and the Avolites manual is an enjoyable read anyway! The only issue is the price. You may have to look quite hard to find one for £1,000. However, if anything ever goes wrong with it, avolites still make them and repair them and they're a jolly nice bunch of people too.


Hope that helps and best of luck

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with the azure you can do sound to light, link it into "environments" which are basically a set of different memories running, set the environment playing to change automatically every 5 minutes etc etc.


Also you can have environments chasing which is probably one of the best advantages this desk has over many desks out there. You can have one whole enviroment either fade or snap to a completely different environment. This means that over time, your movers will have made many different movement effects, many different colour and gobo looks and many stopper effects without having to touch or move or change a thing!


those sound rather similar ;-)

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Thanks for all the imput. I have to say that it looks like my budget is a bit on the tight side. I'm afraid from what I have seen on pricing the ETC Smartfade & the Avolites Azure are out of the question (unless the discount available from list price is massive!).


I personally like the masterpiece, but I'm not sure others would be able to get into it's mentallity. I have however been told that a masterpiece is out of the question due to its touch panel nature. (They have had major problems with touch panels in the club - and nothing I say is going to over-rule that!).


I really like the idea of the masterpeice outstation. Although I will program the desk I will not be there when the club is open so it needs to be as simple as possible for the DJ to operate.


Does anyone do a DMX playback unit that has buttons on that can playback chases/sequences? That is similar in looks to the outstation?


Anyway thanks for all your help so far guys!

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I would also suggest the SmartFade ML. Very nice and easy to use desk.


If you're in the UK, then speak to Stage Electrics/Theatre Direct about a price. They like it so much that they're taking their list price down this month.

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Yeah if you go down the Masterpiece route then for 'safety', get the Outstation which you could basically pop next to the DJ if needed and hide the desk in a designated cupboard/hatch! It's very easy to use and you can create different environments (eg slow and moody environments gradually progressing to fast and flashy environments) from the desk to make the Outstation drive.
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