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250w ELC Halogen vs 150w Discharge in Scanners


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I would say the discharge lamps gets way hotter than the halogen lamps.
No they don't.


A 250W halogen lamp dissipates 250W.

A 150W discharge lamp dissipates 150W.


However, the discharge lamp emits energy in different directions and at different wavelengths to the halogen.

This is an important difference.

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The discharge lamps do start to convert more of their input energy to heat and less to light as they get older, sometimes a duff lamp will trip the overtemp stat and I've even known them to deform the casing of certain moving heads..however I would say a new halogen probably generates rather more heat than even a duff discharge when we're talking 250W H vs. 150W D. I think the argument ought to be more about light-efficiency than energy used, look at the tables of energy vs light vs heat output fot the respective types. For information we are talking Metal Halide lamps for disco scanners.




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