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3 pin dmx cables


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No Paul we're not a Pro. Forum we are a Public Forum and anybody from a ten year old school boy to a highly qualified technician can post on here, which at times raises other problems, as professional BR Members know.

The Blue Room is a discussion forum, set up for the purposes of discussing issues related to life and work 'behind the scenes' in the Entertainments Industry.


I guess I interpret this as meaning that members should be able to relate to this aim. The reports and comments from members involved in work behind the scenes show that they prefer a high standard of content - as people have noticed we don't like certain posting styles, or the mangling of proper English - in fact, many of our members who do not have English as their first language, frequently post better than some who do. I'm not aware of any 10 year old members, but we do have some who are 14 - two full years before they are legally allowed to work backstage in a theatre. Student members are welcomed - but have to meet our professional standards. This doesn't mean only members working professionally in the industry, it also means keen amateurs who usually strive to act 'professionally' in what they do.


We are not really a public forum - anyone can join, but have to be approved to take a full part in the forum. The fact that we screen people, gently, means to me that we are not 'public' as in anyone can join and have a go. We have a looser approach in the crew room, but everywhere else there are standards - you've probably seen moderation posts with the words "QUALITY CONTROL' added by a mod where content is weak or shaky. If a 10 year old joins and posts sense, we haven't a problem - but if they join and as has happened post things like "I have two Freshnells, what gobow do they take" I think we have a duty to put them right. You'd be cross if your teacher didn't correct errors in your work, and if you ask a question on the forum, you're asking people who know what you don't, to help you.


What happened in this topic is that Richard posted in all innocence a question that started a fire. Most of the topic then calms or inflames the fire. In all honestly, I don't think anyone thought this would still be rumbling on like this. Richard wanted places to buy cable to connect lights - he's had plenty of answers. We are going round in circles - so I'd like to close it - but want to talk it through with the other mods first.



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Well before you do close it, please think about the number of complaints people make with reference to the closure of threads. Moderation, should be done in Moderation and without pointing out the bleeding obvious its starting to get a tad OTT.


3pin DMX is a saying. Most people know whats being said should this comment arrise. I think that people spend far too much time on here waiting to jump on others heads. I'm not sure if this helps ego boosts, or makes them feel better about the lack of work they appear to never do however its more annoying than the wrong terminology being used.

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Personally, my bigger issue with the OP (no offence intended, OP, but the search function DOES reap rewards when used proper-like) is that the question was asked with no obvious research done in advance - implying that you expected the group to provide you with the answers without you doing the legwork (which in fact is what did happen!)


I personally have no major beef with the fact that 3-pin connectors on cables can, and are, called DMX cables, because whilst I'd LOVE there to BE a standard, (be it 5 or 3 or 12-pin) I'm always, at heart, a realist, and recognise that it's unlikely to happen in my lifetime! (Well, not across the board for ALL suppliers, anyhow).


As far as I'm concerned, the OP's not only got the answers to his question, but also ordered what he wants, so close the thread - simple.

Else we'll be on the DMX protocol merry-go-round again for ages!!



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Yes close the thread in my opinion.


yes I got answers but it wasnt straight forward, I got winged at first and told I was doing the wrong thing so ended up getting the information from another forum where I was pointed to someones shop via the forum.

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Yes close the thread in my opinion.


yes I got answers but it wasnt straight forward, I got winged at first and told I was doing the wrong thing so ended up getting the information from another forum where I was pointed to someones shop via the forum.

Sorry, Richard, but I'm going to HAVE to take exception to that!

Within 10 minutes of you posting, Paul gave you a direct link to the CPC web site.

In approx 9 hours, Bruce (I think) pointed you to the Wiki and said there were several suppliers listed there.

And less than 24 hours after the OP, I linked to the first three Google hits I found that were relevant, AND pointed you to no less than SEVEN reputable sources from which DMX cable can be purchased.


Those snipes about 5/3-pin aside, you DID have several clear and useful answers.


So - with respect, grab that teddy back, stuff it down the side of the pram so it won't fall out again, and let's get back to normality, shall we...?

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You automatically assume that I have thrown a paddy!


I certainly dont get into that sort of thing on a website, thats just sad.


But reading amongst the lines and everyone telling me how I should have searched before hand not knowing what id tried etc it should have just been the replies from yourselves etc.

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You automatically assume that I have thrown a paddy!
Sorry - but that's just how it looked.
But reading amongst the lines and everyone telling me how I should have searched before hand not knowing what id tried etc it should have just been the replies from yourselves etc.
Again, sorry, but you SHOULD have searched yourself, or if you HAD then it would have been wise to have said as much.


You DID read the T & C when joining, yes?


My point is that had you searched, or visited the Wiki as had been suggested, you'd have had a LOAD of options to look at without having to post the question!


Just the way I see it.


Think of it like walking into Asda and asking customer services where you could buy some bread...

Asda's aisles are all marked with the general products. Yes, the CS staff could direct to there, but you'd be wasting their time asking and getting one of them to hold your hand and take you to said aisle.

And if you'd stopped outside in the foyer, and picked up the yellow pages, and looked under 'Bread' you'd have probably found a few more bakers in the area.

Or taken a stroll into town, you'd have found a Greggs, a Sainsbury's, a Baker's Kitchen and couple of others in easy walking distance.


See the analogy?

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THats one side of it to look at at.


my reason for asking though was its sometimes much quicker to ask the CS staff in asda where the bread is kept than to trail round the aisles looking!


Plus I wanted to see who had good dealings before with other companies.


Now why dont you just let this matter rest now.


YOur not going to make me agree with you. Theres points to be had on both sides as backed up by several other people who have replied to this thread.

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As a sound-oriented moderator with no axe to grind about DMX, I've had a read through this topic and find that it is now so far away from the original topic that it warrants closure.


I would like to point out that the Terms and Conditions that you SHOULD have read at the time of joining specify that the search function is supposed to be used before starting a new thread asking a question that can be answered more quickly on Google or in the Wiki. The same T+Cs prohibit commercial posts so any trader actually posting a quote (as was requested originally) would also have been in breach of the conditions.


Finally, whatever the supposed provocation in the original post, weighing in with overly aggressive and critical responses does no good for the BR either. All this sort of response does is provoke an off-topic flame war and some long term members should know better. If you disagree with something, use the "Report" function.


If anyone has a problem with either the Terms and Conditions or the closure of this topic, the place to discuss it is in the issues forum.


Topic closed.



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