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Brighest movers?


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Is there not 2 ways to look at this? The first is try to make do with what you've got. The next is to make it blunt, for things to work effectively you need control over the houselights. If thats a problem (which I have no doubt it will be given the scale of the event) tell them you can provide a temp rig with controlable houselighting suitable for Athletics. Ups the bill for the job tenfold but what else can you do?
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This morning when woken up by the builders below me AGAIN....

I had this thought... (for IF our 2nd test day just doesnt work out either)


Why do we have to complicate things..

Its "cheap" but worked for many a year.. the "moving effect" by a line of standard 2k profiles (we have MANY) with the gobos inside and run a chase down them...


Boss is starting to push the idea of followspots, so they provide movement..


The company, (in terms of gear we have) is more TV/ flooding large areas with light... type company. They keep trying to get involved in these types of even without thinking of the gear they have to do the job, which is available.


The truth is, here in valencia (and possibly spain too but I cant say, I have'nt experienced it yet) all the technology is "old".

None of the companies in the city are looking to do new or interesting things, or buying new/interesting equipment.

The city is ram packed with macs, basic speakers, profiles, fresnels, pearls and thats about it.

The only "interesting" lighting thing is ours, the Ireos 4th (space cannons).

So for us to find a solution we have to look to other countries, and the boss is getting seriously worried on price and doing things hes never done (hes only ever done "the same thing" as thats whats available to him). Whereas I'm trying to nudge him into the realm of his unknown but a more suitable solution (vari lites etc).


We shall see...

thanks all for the help..

Pretty sure this test wont be before saturday when I go back to edin for XMAS, so not got much more to say till january when I get back!

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  • 4 weeks later...



Today we went to do the 2nd test, After I COMPLETELY stripped down the two lights and polished EVERYTHING in the optical system....

MUCH more light!!


We also, by hanging them properly .... like we told boss we should´ve in the first place... (with nice new laser-meter and some good old fassioned pythagoras....) reduced the throw distance from about 32Meters to 16 meters!!!! (height originally... 32m.. truss height now.. 10.5m)


Far better this time!!


Anywho.. Thanks a lot to all those who added to the thread and helped out!!


What did I learn that I´d pass on to others.... REALLY cleaning a light makes a HUGE (far greater than I thought) difference to light output.


Running man is the (bent, hence varying focus..) gobo.


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Glad to hear it helped. The only issue with cleaning (apart from the effort!) is it never lasts long enough - it's surprising how quickly light output gets noticeably reduced. I assume you did lamp hot-spot alignment at the same time. If not you might be able to get ever better.
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yeah each lamp got about 2.5 man hours each.. complete overhauls... cleaning, inlcuding complete lense dismantling, cleaning and re-assembly.... lubricating.. re-aligning effects etc... lamp alignment... the lot!


Basically got the "factory new" (or as best that is possible in an old lamp).

Probelm is that I (and my new assistant) did it so well we gotta do the other 14 needed for the show next month!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Next update for those interested.


Everythings hung as it should be.

Just finnished 2nd night of the plotting session, so thought I´d let everyone see where some of the good advice went...


FIRST IMAGE REMOVED, Didnt realise gobos were "secret"






LED screen arrives thursday and were putting the 8 Space Cannon Ireos 4ths on the roof over friday..


Should all be on tv march time.


Tomorrow will involve me absieling from the roof walkway to focus the 2 5k fresnels which are hung on the bars! Should be fun!

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Yes it will be aired world-wide


Gobos were the choice of the tech-manager. A man that most of us are trying to get his position changed from "tech manager" to "Project Manager". Mostly cause he aint that a good tech but is actually really good at desinging and proposing jobs. (oh the joys of a company who dont understand english.. such freedom of speach!!)


We put control (Pearl) up nice and high!

We are.... In the last photo you can see a red score board machine far right... Look up from there and there is a concrete "ring/level" which is above the white air-con outlet... you can JUST make out the silver flightcase of half the mains distro. Desk is about 4 meters towards the camera on that ledge. (same position as other photos were taken).


Well I off... gotta go repair one of the lights.... the usual fun AFTER a plotting session with the laser meter to get the damn rig back at the same height grrrrrrr

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