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Mark your tools


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After looking at other peoples/ venues marking systems I sprayed all my tools blue, and my very next gig was in a venue that had used the same colour...


A chance conversation at Christmas means I now have a wee engraver my maw picked up in Woolworths for seven quid. I've just spent 20 minutes initialling my podgers, gun, square etc and would advocate it - it's easy to do, fairly cheap, it'll take filing to remove it, and it was quite good fun so I'm now looking for other things to engrave (sadly the glass-bit didn't seem keen to help me write 'drink me' on the side of a bottle of sambuca... the potential for great art is here though)

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Do your TV, DVD player, VHS, computer, etc. etc. around the house, then call your insurance company. If they're like mine (well the one I used to have in the UK) they'll give you a discount on your contents insurance when all your valuables are marked with your post code.



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Do your TV, DVD player, VHS, computer, etc. etc. around the house


Sound advice thanks, but I'm renting and have just moved into my 6th flat of 2007 (and it's a stop-gap too) so I'll personally hold off on that one for now.


I do however now have a bottle of bourbon that says "I'm your good friend" and a bottle of sambuca that says "drink me", (the ceramic-bit managed it.) What fun :biggrin:

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sadly the glass-bit didn't seem keen to help me write 'drink me' on the side of a bottle of sambuca

I'm a bit wary of engraving glass these days ...


Sennheiser gave us some very nice freeby coffee mugs a few months back - sort of a frosted glass affair, with their logo elegantly screen-printed on the side. Nice. Trouble is, mugs have a habit of going walkies from our kitchen, so we thought it might be an idea to engrave our names into the plain blue area of the logo. As it turns out, you really need to be careful how much pressure you put on when engraving glass, otherwise it weakens the material to the point that repeated expansion and contraction when putting hot liquids in there can cause them to break into two pieces, usually at a very inconvenient moment ... ;)

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I'm a bit wary these days ... you really need to be careful how much pressure you put on when engraving glass, otherwise it weakens the material


Yeah, it did occur to me that engraving into glass would weaken it - I've only experimented with the afore-mentioned comparatively heavy-duty glass bottles so far (I can't see my flatmate appreciating me etching doodles on his fine vases...)

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I - and a lot of people I know - use 3 bands of different coloured electrical tape. Some local companies use two bands, and a single band isn't necessarily obvious as an identifying mark. It's not foolproof but it works ok, and 3 bands gives you loads of combinations to use. Most tool loss is accidental, after all; loaned tools that don't come back, and even a locked toolbox isn't safe from a genuine thief. Of course there are going to be folk who borrow tools, sometimes without asking, and are careless with them - my boss is especially bad for that...
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One thing I didn't mention in my earlier post, is that the biggest culprit for stealing my tools is my daughter.


I've lost Stanley knives, LED torches, Gaffa tape, Permanent markers, Pens, Coloured tape and they tend to end up in her bedroom :)


That's why I look forward to our Spring Clearout, I get most of my gear back :angry:



Kill Drummers, all of them.................................. :** laughs out loud **:


(She's one).

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Okay thanks for these ideas


I plan to either engrave/ etch or similar possibly micro-mark stuff when im rich!


I also want to have a ring of a bright colour so that they are easily ID'd quickly and from a distance, I am also thinking of the Pink tactic!



Do you guys know what is the best type of paint to use that wont rub/scratch/chip off too easily?






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