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Moving heads for school talent show?

Chubbs the Techie

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How the rotation is controlled would be dependant upon which animation wheel you're using.


Some other small specials you may want to consider:

A rotating mirror ball with some fixed spots? Creates a nice effect for those slow songs.

Rope light? Not seeing the venue, I can't fully advice, however if this is upon raised stage, you could perhaps line the steps with coloured rope lights. Have them chasing etc.


Feel free to contact me off forum, if you want to have a chat about all these different ideas etc.


Hope its been of use.


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Thanks alex,


Thanks for sharing those ideas. I am currently attempting to draw a rough plan of the hall on paint and I will post it asap. The mirror ball is a good idea, however how many profiles do you think I'd need on it to make it effective...we don't have that many thats all. I could hire some actually... I'm presuming you need as tight a beam angle as possible to get the best from a mirror ball?


And has anyone got any tricks up there sleaves regarding placement of a smoke machine and a powerful strobe to 'conceal' a band coming on. ie the stage goes bonkers smoking and strobing into the audience ot 'blind' them (or I could use the blinders) and when the strobe turns off a band is band is standing there ready to play. A cool effect I saw at a battle of the bands once, and I was wondering if there's any special way of making this work apart from simply pointing a strobe into the audience, sitting on the fog machine button and hoping it'll have the desired effect?

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Well if you dont have any spares, you could always hire in a couple of par 36s, stick them on some trussing and point them at the mirror ball. It depends where you plan on placing it. Also, yes, blinders would be better for that. A couple of powerful well placed blinders behind the bands equipment, fill the stage with haze and switch on the blinders. Band walk on in front of the blinders, creating a nice powerful effect.


linky, yes its small, but the best example I could quickly find

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Bit small, I can't read some of the words.


Also, you ake no mention on where you have power sockets. Do you run them from your dimmers to each bar?? Also what lanterns are you having on each bar. The more detail, the more blue room can help you.

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Why does the projector point into the audience eyes?

Because the OP said that it was a rear projection screen. i.e. A screen will be placed infront of it and the projector having a flipped image so that the audience can see it the right way round.


Just before christmas I we had the Christmas Concert with an X-Factor event. I just had some simple colour washes and some lighting FOH. I busked the whole show on submasters which the Jester has, too. With a few changes in the songs and a couple of chases I thought it went really well.


What you could do for bringing on bands is like you said a 'hazed up' stage and have, if possible, a presenter to didtract the audience. Then bring up some back lighting to only show their siluettes. That works a treat! Then, when they start playing, bring up FOH.


An example of a fixture that uses an animation wheel is the Martin MAC 550.


Hope this helps!


EDIT: added linky ;)

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Ah, I see - you just want to play?
I have a talent for seing something and being able to use it! Especialy, it seems, lighting controllers.

Well, best of luck then.



Want to have a play around and learn how to do new things? Get a job/volunteer at your local theatre, worked a treat for me (I'm 17), you get to experiment with lighting design, see what works, what doesn't, on a proper stage (my school is like yours, no proper Foh bars, except we have a balcony sticking out below our FoH bars, which makes things even more of a headache, and the stage is extended so we have no proper onstage bars either), and you get to use lots of shiny equipment, especially if you work in a touring venue and have lots of people providing their own equipment (hooray for Abba).

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