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Dichroics for codas?


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Thanks for all your help and advice! I did suspect that it might be a physical impossibility, but hadn't really got as far as looking at the cost implication! From memory, the colours I've tried in the past have been dark blue, deep blue (Lee codes 119, 120) and midnight blue (Rosco 384 - very similar to Lee 120) A quick look at Rosco and Lee websites suggest that there are plenty more blues in the sea with a higher transmission, so I'll try some of those next time. At the risk of going off topic, suggestions of colours to try would be most welcome!


It just goes to show that there's always something to learn, and that I shouldn't use something just because I have a roll in the cupboard!





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I'd agree with 2 of the points already made:


1) As gareth says, I'd always double up on blue for codas anyway. 4 cell codas give you 3 colours in my book - 2 cells for blue + 2 other colours.


2) LED battens may be the way forward. LEDs can give a really good blue and don't involve filtering so plenty of light output is achieved relative to other colours. These would be especially good if you could use them both top and bottom of the cyc.


However, I'd add a warning about using a blue with less transmission than 119. You may find you get more output but less of a strong "blueiness". In other words, it might look a little washed out if you were looking for a really strong blue. I'd start by doubling up on your blue gel (HT to last longer) and see what happens. I confess, by the way, to previously having used all 4 cells of a set of Coda 4s in 119 in order to get the strength of colour I wanted. People looking at the rig plan may have scoffed, but people watching the show didn't! <_<

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