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Vga to Single Phono

Guest joewhite903

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If the original poster is at all interested (and I'd hope he'd like to learn) then THIS SITE gives a simple explanation of the different video formats in common use (including VGA and Composite as per this topic) which should explain WHY a convertor is necessary.


The executive summary is that on VGA, the video signal is actually 5 separate signals: 1 each for Red, Blue and Green information plus separate Horizontal and Vertical sync signals. Composite video (which is what is fed via a single yellow phono connector) combines all these into one signal...hence the name composite.


The web site is worth a read because it goes through lots of other variations as well.



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Do you mean one of these (to the original poster)?



As mentioned in the eBay ad, these require graphics cards which already support TV Out, but instead of providing separate phono and S-Video sockets for it, just do some electronic jiggery pokery to output the composite signal via the VGA connector.


Work with laptops and desktops with VGA cards that has TV-Out function capability through the VGA connector


They wont work with your average run of the mill graphics card.

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