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exploding balloons

dutcy de dalston

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Why blow! Put a small pellet of CO2(s) into a balloon and tie it off. as they expand slightly send them onstage then as they continue to expand they burst. Small scales and weigh the CO2(s) as it goes into the balloon for similar burst times.
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Aye, would be interesting, syncronisation might be a bit tricky though.

I would posabley use pyro igniters droped down and hang the balloms off them, you could then set them off using the old bullet hit techneke. a lengh of wood with nailes in it with a metel rod attached to a battery (10V is all you need) and each nail conected to an igniter. that way you would get a series of pops as rapid as you want them. or if you want them simutlanious just use a standard firing system.

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I would suggest, from my experience, that if you inflate the balloons using a compressor to the near point of 'detonation' they will readily burst if they contact any sharp item especially a drawing pin, pin, needle etc. and they make a really loud BANG!
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One thing I found by accident when working with a charity for street kids in Peru that was Deet mosquito repelent causes ballons to burst by attacking the rubber. I was trying to make ballon animals for the kids but they kept bursting :-( I eventually workied out that it was the mozi repelent I was wearing. Could the ballons bounce over sheets treated with the same (or similar) fishing line pullwires could pull the sheets off stage just before the dancers come on. BTW it probably doesn't have to be mozi repelent that you use! it was more likely the solvent base
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