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Rental Software for Apple Mac


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I am working on a free MS Access based system which will have a web interface at the moment.


Please, please, please don't develop a shared database product in MS Access. Its simply not up to the job - even though MS will say its fine.



I have only ever used SQL for proper shared systems (I used to work in technology in a bank) however, I thought that if the sharing was all done through a web interface then the stress would be on that side of things would it not? I may be completely wrong though but it's always worked fine with multi-user websites for me before.

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Three ideas spring to mind:


1. Xsilva Lightspeed 2


2. Checkout: Point-of-Sale


Thanks but I'm not looking for POS software. I'm looking for Rental Management Software. Very few of the features that we require are included in those titles.


I am currently working on my own FileMaker database purely for inventory management. I haven't even attempted hire management yet and already I'm beginning to feel I may have bitten off more than I can chew.


If anyone has any further recommendations to put me out of misery I will be very grateful.




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Thanks Tom. I did have a brief look at that particular piece of software some time ago. Unfortunately I don't think it will be suitable.


Also, what about some sort of database software such as MS Access, Oracle or something like that for mac? Would that possible work?


Yea FileMaker is arguably the best database software for Mac. Similar to MS access but, in my opinion, better. I am currently working on developing my own database as I have already said.


A dedicated piece of software for this purpose on Mac is well overdue. Unfortunately it would appear that a lot of developers haven't caught on just yet.



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I have only ever used SQL for proper shared systems (I used to work in technology in a bank) however, I thought that if the sharing was all done through a web interface then the stress would be on that side of things would it not? I may be completely wrong though but it's always worked fine with multi-user websites for me before.


Even though you are using a web interface at the client end, it is the database itself that is key to performance in a shared data environment. MS Access is really designed as a stand-alone desktop database. Although you can use it in a shared fashion, the way it locks records is highly inefficient and cannot be tuned liked a SQL/Oracle based system. This often leads to slow response and errors during updates/queries.



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MS Access is really designed as a stand-alone desktop database.
Quite so.

I recently built a database in Access, then ported it to MySQL as it became apparent that more use would be required than originally expected.


The MySQL database runs at least twice as fast, if not faster, than the MS Access "Jet" database it came from.

MySQL also has the rather nice advantage of being free - MS Access is very expensive for what it does, as it isn't a standard part of Office.


I have had to support a website with an MS Access back end - it was a terrible pain to do, although part of the problem was that it had been very badly designed.

I think that system had around 150 users, and didn't cope particularly well.


However, buying in a solution is often better than building one from parts, unless you have a tame programmer.

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  • 9 months later...

We run mac her in OZ and there is a aust company that has developed a renatl programme using file maker and runs natively on mac or PC.

programme is hire ezy www.makinglifeezy.com.au

chq it out

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  • 7 months later...
I develop a product call the Event Wizard Pro. It is web based rental management software written in PHP. It installs on a Windows PC and you can access from any modern web browser (Safari,Firefox,IE,Chrome) on any platform. I can also help you get it setup on a Linux system so you can buy a cheap PC and install Linux instead of paying for a Windows License. The only requirements are a web server that supports PHP, and MySQL. I believe that is all available for Mac so somebody with enough technical know how could potentially install the Event Wizard on a Mac, but I could not guarantee reliability or support for that setup.
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  • 6 months later...



we make a stage prop rental system. I just found your thread in a google search and if you still are looking for something please check out:



its made in filemaker pro so it works on mac, win and and on the web. it is used extensively by companies in the US.


let us know if you have any questions.




julian at plumamazing.com


Hi there,


I am looking for Rental Management Software to help manage our inventory, invoicing and general stock management. But we only use Apple Mac's here, not a PC running Microsoft Windows in sight.

Does anyone know where I can find Rental Management software that runs on an Apple Mac Operating System - no emulators or similar?


Yes if I had my way we would buy a few PC's to run one of the popular titles such as RentalDesk, Easyjob or HireTrack, but unfortunately that is out of the question.


Alternatively I have heard that there are some companies that run an online rental management system which is accessed via a web browser - therefore totally cross-platform, but after searching Google have not found anything.


Any thoughts, comments or advise would be greatly appreciated.





Moderation: This topic has been moved to the Crew Room because, although it's entirely valid for discussion in the Blue Room, it's very computer oriented. As always, the concern is that Google will pick up on terms like "Unix" "Perl" and "OS" and we'll be inundated with non-theatre related computer queries. Since the Crew Room is members only and not accessible to search engines, we can allow more computer chat there.

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  • 6 months later...

Hey Guys, HireEzy is a Hire & Rental solution for MAC's which is a fantastic product! www.hireezy.com


The guys are releasing a version for iPhone and iPad in the first quarter of 2011.


The dudes at Ezysoft have finally seen the light and are now focusing their attention on the MAC market with ical iPad & iPhone integration, Digital Marketing Suite, Online Ordering Application, Website Management tools, Catalogue creation etc... Hallelulah!!


Regards Ronji

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Ronji, have you used Hireezy before? I saw that they have just been bought out, or at least had a change around as their website last week said it was no longer operating.


I am friends with one of the developers there and what has happened is the company is growing globally and a licensng structure has been put in place to allow for this growth. Ezysoft Corporation in the US is owned by the original owner & developer. (Aussie)

Making Life Ezy was shut down to move the business into the new global structure.


The new company which will handle the software is Ezysoft Australia. This now sets the guys up to open Ezysoft UK, Ezysoft NZ etc.


These guys work with Filemaker and didn't realise how great the MAC market was :cold: They do now and 2011 will be completely MAC focused!! Hallelulah....

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any prices around, as they dont have any on the website?


Regarding pricing; I know that the software starts around AUD$1K. The guys have been taking each enquiry on a case by case basis as the goal has been to get as many companies using the software as possible especially in new markets such as the UK, US etc. If you need any information I could get someone to email you..


Cheers Ronji

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