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As regards clipping/limiting what's the setting on the amps?


Alot of DJ's I know like to have the master fader on the mixer as high as it will go, causing the led VU's to remain constantly in the 'red'.

I don't know why DJ's like to do this, but if this is the case it could be the mixer peaking and compressing as a result.


John Denim.



I always start the night with the channel sliders right up, then I try to match the master and channel gains so they are about the same level (ie both a quarter of the way up) and just turn them both as the night progresses until what I feel is a comfortable level. or until the peak lights come on on the individual channels. (which was what I was talking about before. Sorry, didnt make that very clear. When I said that the peak lights where coming on at a lower volume, I meant the individual ones that are on each channel. So wherever the master volume is, it shouldnt make any difference to these peak indicators. Which is why I think that they have turned them down internally.)


Am I right in thinking that that is how some sound restrictors work??

This is what I am lead to believe....


- When the mixer gets too loud, it starts to peak which the limiter unit picks up on and lowers the volume the sound?


or am I talking rubbish?

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Formula sound mixers such as the FSM 400 & 600


are considered to be the "industry standard" install mixers . Iv installed several of this type of mixer and all have given excellent results.


Quality british built ! Check them out


Also they have many installer settings that can be set internally to stop tampering

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Am I right in thinking that the Pioneer DJM3000 is the same as the 600 or 600s but stretched width ways to fit a 19" rack?


No, there are a few differences.


The 600 has a 15 band vu meter, the 3000 only has 11 (Less red lights for dj's to try and hit)

The 3000 has 7 line inputs and 4 phono inputs, the 600 has 5 line inputs and 3 phono.

The 3000 has 2 mic imputs, the 600 only has 1.

The 3000 also aparently has 2 digital outputs aswell??!!!


I belive the 3000 also has a few different effects and features, which are probably just gimmiks but anyway.


Hope this helps


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I dont know why they bother half the time to fit accurate vu meters on dj mixers


I install quite a few and on opening night the dj's just love the fact that all leds

are lit up


Gains full wack and not a care in the world as to the sound


I often fit a compresser between each CDj player and the mixer input

then I play a very long list of test tones in and then hide the box

and super glue the cables


I also find that even high end dj mixers the output levels can be driven

very high without distortion


Most Dj's have watched Spinal tap as they think all controls go to ....11



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Dj`s are getting a lot of bad press here ! :huh:


Not all DJ`s are the same .


I admit some there are Dj`s who do delight in cranking everything up into the red

BUT! the majority of "PROFEESIONAL" (ie people who ,ake a living out of it)

Respect sound quality and like things to sound clear and un-distorted.


There are im sure many people out there that call themselves sound engineers who

also turn every dial up to 11 and thrive on "noise".


Lay off the DJ`s Please guys <_<


Matt ( A DJ !)


** laughs out loud **

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Am I right in thinking that the Pioneer DJM3000 is the same as the 600 or 600s but stretched width ways to fit a 19" rack?


No, there are a few differences.


The 600 has a 15 band vu meter, the 3000 only has 11 (Less red lights for dj's to try and hit)

The 3000 has 7 line inputs and 4 phono inputs, the 600 has 5 line inputs and 3 phono.

The 3000 has 2 mic imputs, the 600 only has 1.

The 3000 also aparently has 2 digital outputs aswell??!!!


I belive the 3000 also has a few different effects and features, which are probably just gimmiks but anyway.


Hope this helps



Thanks rich. That helps a lot actually. Think I am definately going to get them to go for the pioneer 3000 then. Plus its compact size will be ideal as they have a ridiculous box housing all the gear. I think all the Edwards bars have them. It holds both decks and cd players and mixer in the midde. but the ecler mixers that they put in as standard, are too big. the back of the mixer goes past the cd control panel by about 3 inches. so its underneath. you have to reach under and feel for the gains to turn them up or down. So I think the pioneer will do nicely.


Thanks again guys for your input.



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I find the more well known and higher paid dj's they are the less care they take about dB's


most semi-pro 'mobile' dj and once a week wine bar jocks tend to care more than the big boys


Without mentioning names



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Thats cos the big boys rarely plug straight into amps. There is nearly always a rack technician riding fader levels and keeping an eye on limiters etc.


He (or she) usually gets sworn at because the DJ can't hear his monitor. (A phenomenon that cannot be cured, even with over 2kW of DJ stack).

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Thats cos the big boys rarely plug straight into amps. There is nearly always a rack technician riding fader levels and keeping an eye on limiters etc.


He (or she) usually gets sworn at because the DJ can't hear his monitor. (A phenomenon that cannot be cured, even with over 2kW of DJ stack).


Plus its not the big boys gear! A mobile dj could trash his gear as much as he wants, but at the end of the day he will have to pay for any damage done.



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Nah ! Gotta disagree guys :rolleyes: .


Its the mobile Dj that normally aint got a clue about equipment at all . normally a numpty in a Disco shop sells him/her a load of

cheap chinese gear that is awfull but he thinks is the dogs b***ks


Professional DJ`s understand and respect gear .(such as myself)


There are as many clueless sound techs out there as there are Clueless DJ`s .


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not half as many though. DJs tend to be self taught, from a clean slate. they usually have little concept of gain structure, which is of course a fundamental in both fields.


dont even get me started on bloody RCA connectors that DJs call "standard"

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Nice to know my post for friendly help has ended up in a row. ** laughs out loud ** :-)


Haha you probably diddnt pick the best forum to post in. Yes you will get good advice, you mostly do on this forum. However unfortunatly when the irresponsable dj's come into venues when us sound techs are resposable for the equipemnt, it is usually us that has to fix everything thats been broken/blown.


Dont get me wrong there are very good and very responsable dj's out there, just I personally, along with many other sound techs on here have had some very, very bad experiences with dj's.


Its nothing personal, just a bit of a stereotype.



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Regular readers weren't at all surprised the topic went off on one. As Bob said, back up a way - DJ issues are only dealt with here by a few members with an interest. Many of us see the word DJ and don't participate - just an area of discussion that many BR members are not interested in at all. There are much better forums for this kind of topic. As the term 'DJ' covers such a huge range of qualities, styles, professionalism and budget - it's inevitable that those awful 'turn it up to 11 as soon as the wedding guests have finished eating' DJs are treated badly by some of us. High end, quality production obviously exists, but the wedding reception brigade do rather set themselves up for a bit of light hearted comment. For serious, in-depth technical comment about DJ activities - my own feeling is that the BR isn't the place.
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