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Strand 300 Show control uphill struggle


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On a 500 in show setup, you have the option to scroll through Net Node which shows all items on the network which have MIDI capability (or so I think). I would hopefully imagine you have the same facility on a 300 in which case as long as the 300 has a network card then theoretically, it should work.
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Another way of dealing with this would be to trigger the computer, from the lighting desk. Rosco have a product called Keystroke, which basically converts a DMX command into a keystroke on a computer. You just plug DMX in to one side of it, USB out if it in to the computer, and then you can assign differant DMX values to equate to differant computer keystrokes, ie. DMX value 1 could equate to space bar, or whatever keystroke you need to trigger your show control software.



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  • 2 years later...

A bit of thread necromancy here...


Anyone recently used the Rosco Keystroke?

How instant is the reaction of the PC to a DMX 'on' state?

It could well be a simple solution to a plan I'm working on at the mo...


Though I suppose, despite it being a simple dongle style box and a CD it's likely to have a HUGE price tag...


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A bit of thread necromancy here...


Anyone recently used the Rosco Keystroke?

How instant is the reaction of the PC to a DMX 'on' state?

It could well be a simple solution to a plan I'm working on at the mo...


Though I suppose, despite it being a simple dongle style box and a CD it's likely to have a HUGE price tag...


Well, having investigated this, Stage LX have one of these left BUT it's in the States, costs £280 and is only guaranteed for Windoze 98....!


Methinks I'll give that a miss!!


Any other LX to sound PC triggering software/hardware out there?

It's got me thinking now!

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If you are looking for DMX to start playback (or many other things) then PCStage can do that.


What you tryin' to do?

What I don't want to do is use a different platform to run LX just so I can trigger SFX, so whilst I accept that PCS can do the deed, it's not an option.


The idea is to use the existing LX desk (a 300) and link it via DMX or other suitable protocol to our existing sound PC and allow the DMX signal to fire a sound cue at the same time as it executes it's own LX state change.

eg - running WWRY next week, and it would be nice (not essential) to be able to light the laser cage at the same instant as the SFX booms out. Manual cueing is of course feasible, but tricky to get spot on.


I did think of using MIDI in on the 300 as an alternative, making the link in the opposite direction, but from reading this old topic it seems unlikely to be a go-er.


The Rosco Keystroke seemed to be an ideal option, especially as our SFX programme can easily be set to fire the FX on a specific key-press, but seems that's not to be.


Also now found this topic - much more recent, but no viable solutions at this stage. (I don't have time to put stuff together in project boxes - just looking for something to plug 'n' play).

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Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I'm not suggesting using PCStage as a bodge between your existing 300 and your existing sound playback software; I'm saying replace your existing sound playback software which cant be triggered from DMX with with PCStage which can.


Plug DMX cable from your DMX splitter into the PCStage DMX interface. Trigger sound playback from DMX. Job done.


I note that SCS (pro+ version) also has DMX triggering, but I don't know how it works.

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Thinking slightly laterally, and probably not too much work...


Why not a spare circuit (programmed in to a cue) operating a mains powered relay which in turn operates a Low Voltage relay to close a contact from a pair of wires soldered across the Space Bar button contacts? Possibly owes more to Heath Robinson but no new software to buy or learn just a couple of relays and some soldering (and sadly you might have to use a project box!) :)

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I note that SCS (pro+ version) also has DMX triggering, but I don't know how it works.


Enttec dongle only, I believe. We only run the Professional level, not the Professional Plus, and so don't have that functionality, but from what I've read in the help files (while looking for something else!) it looks to be fairly functional and not too difficult to use.

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SCS (Show Cue System) in it's pro plus version can accept DMX triggers from an Enttec Pro USB interface. This works but it is a bit limited in what you can do. Far better to go the other way and do this:


SCS in its pro version can be used to control a Strand 300 or 500 series console using ASCII commands and a null modem (RS232) lead. (Also possibly a widely available USB to RS232 adaptor).


I have successfully controlled lighting and sound for a play all driven from SCS. It worked but it took a while to set up.


The ASCII commands are in the Communique section of the strand manual.


It is even possible to set up hotkeys on SCS so it can be used as a crude console remote. This works far better than it ever should.


I have been told that Q-lab can also generate RS232 ASCII commands but I do not know if the free version does so.


I also understand the free sound playback software "Multiplay" can generate the same commands but I have not tried it.


Hope this is of interest.






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You can get the 300 to send out ASCII strings over rs232 , something about using " " in macro names , then all you need is a keyboard wedge type app on the pc to turn the received serial strings in to keystrokes to fire off your audio
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