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Smoking.... without really smoking - finally :D


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You can get 'normal' looking fake ones, with the brown coloured filter paper. I saw a friend of mine with one the other week, he 'smokes' them instead of normal cigarettes and it caught all of us out, I was a meter away from him and I thought it was real, and told him off for smoking inside until he explained. Then I felt like an idiot, because the smoke disappears quiet quickly... and doesn't smell!






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the law as enacted in Scotland, has no exemption for smoking on stage, only the England and Wales legislation as the get out





Smoking on stage is not permitted in Northern Ireland either.


Ah, sorry, forgot about Scotland and N Ireland. I was only commenting from my experience of being in England. In those cases it probably would be quite a useful little device.

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I believe the law as enacted in Scotland, has no exemption for smoking on stage, only the England and Wales legislation as the get out




As far as I am aware there is no 'get-out' clause here in Wales, see below part of an email I recieved from the Welsh assembly government tobacco policy branch.


"Further to your email below and to my telephone conversation with your deputy, I can confirm that there is no exemption allowing performers to smoke on stage. Therefore, the entire theatre will need to be smoke-free if it is an enclosed or substantially enclosed public place or workplace.


The health reasons for prohibiting smoking in public places and workplaces are well established. Those working on theatre and film sets require the same level of protection as other workers. Spectators at theatrical events require the same protection as other members of the public. An exemption for performers would undermine the health message about the harm from exposure to second-hand smoke, and would appear unfair to the wider public in Wales. This is also the approach taken in Scotland.


Just to clarify, the smoking ban applies to any lit substance in a form in which it could be smoked and therefore includes for example herbal cigarettes. "



I would be interested to know if anyone else in Wales has heard anything different. - Dicky

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't quite a few joke shops sell fake cigarettes? As I remember, those tend to look realistic(ish) and are incredibly cheap. Please tell me if I'm wrong, as I would hate to think I'd been misleading people.


Ben Howitt

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