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martin cx2`s


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Viewing the specs, I find it hard to believe the OP preferred this system to the logic systems.

The SLP is a lot lower, and not going to comment on the sound but surely it can't "punch" as much as an 18" sub?


John Denim.

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But neither system mentioned has an 18inch sub, so that's not relevant here.


The systems don't have subs, the OP did question whether this was the right way to go, it's not been answered but the answer is, it depends on your program material.


The Martin boxes really do sound good, I used to regularly use a large number of the CXW's and they are fantastic sounding wedges.


I believe the design is from about 1983 but I could be completely off the mark there. It really does show that whilst technology has come a LONG way in the last 25 years, at the very top of things, often things haven't improved quite so much.


On a almost related note, I still find alot of the old touring systems (of which some are still current models) to sound every bit as good as brand new models, and in many cases, alot better. Flashlight, KF850, W8, C4 (still current), On smaller scales even the TMS and TSE boxes, the old Martin F series. Nobody can argue that they didn't sound good. And nobody can say they don't still sound good today.

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I believe the design is from about 1983 but I could be completely off the mark there. It really does show that whilst technology has come a LONG way in the last 25 years, at the very top of things, often things haven't improved quite so much.


we had a martin CX2 system put in for panto in 1984 (to replace the 2 Bose 802s (no subs) that were the house PA for a 700 seat theatre), and they were pretty up to the minute, so that date sounds about right.

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In fairness Rob I have been a bit all over the place with my brief, but as you said try lots and see what fits! I`ve stopped looking at spec sheets as I think they are just adding to my confusion. The thing with the Martin boxes is they are very portable and definitely lounder than my Mackies ( which on paper have a higher SPL ) they also sounded pretty good all round. My question now would be do I buy the 4 and the powered desk OR do I buy 2 cx2`s and 2 subs ( he has in some logic compact subs) This probably means buying an amp rather than pwr mixer as that would give me some balance control between the tops and bottoms! Not wanting to start carrying more than I need I guess I `m probably not going to get the best out of that without a crossover?

The other thing He suggested was that with 4 boxes in awkward rooms I could cover a much better area, which is undeniable for those weirdly shaped function rooms!!


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we had a martin CX2 system put for panto in 1984 (to replace the 2 Bose 802s (no subs) that were the house PA for a 700 seat theatre), and they were pretty up to the minute, so that date sounds about right.


How were they for that application Andy? How many did you use?

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I think (it was 24 years ago) it was 6 boxes - 4 as a central cluster (2 covering the circle and 2 pointing down into the stalls) and one each side of the proscenium but it might have been just 4 - one circle one stalls and one each side of the pros. and really it was used mainly for vocals, with pick up from float mics along the front of the stage and one radio mic (which was built into a piece of trucked scenery, not attached to a performer. I don't think the pit band was mic'ed at all, we might have mic'ed up the (real) piano - we had a couple of cducers in the mic stock. the system had to be upgraded in a hurry, as the bose 802s weren't cutting it. It sticks in my memory mainly because I had to work christmas day, but but I can't really remember all the kit details from that long ago....


there were a couple of speakers upstage that were used for sound effects, and that was it. Don't think there was any foldback.


my memory of them was that they were a nice vocal system I'd say if they were working, they'd be good - nice mellow jazz sound, but obviously spares and maintenance is likely to be an issue now.

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