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Dynacord powermate 1000 mII Recommended speakers


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To be honest im not overpowering them, the amp is on less than half way.

I think I will check out ev or some new peaveys



The amp is less than half way?


The amp level is not adjustable, its the GAIN that you set on the master faders.

I assume you are playing CD'S?

You need to PLF the (all input devices) CD's to ensure that the pre amps are not being overdriven before you look at the post amps.

Keep away from the 'red light is good' synopsys, don't let your channels clip, and don't emphasise on the 'bass' too much.


I think I will check out ev or some new peaveys


For most if not all applications I would reccomend EV over Peavy as a Loudspeaker Brand.




Josh is correct, Peavey were good 10 years ago but whilst everyone else has moved on, Peavey have not.

EV have a great range of passives, but I'd first find out why your existing cabs keep failing, it may save you some money?

Ps, please DON'T go for the Peavey pro range, they look ok on paper but they are SH*T!


John Denim.

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I have had the amp tested by madge electrical and he says its fine. He has also repaired the speakers a few times for me and basically said that the components are cheap and that the rating on the cabs is a little of exhagerated, as for clipping I always ensure that I never go in the red on the gains. Ive been doing disco/karaokes for 10 yrs and to be honest ive only had this problem with the cerwin vega speakers. My other set up I used to use was a peavey set up which was stolen a few years ago so I then got the cerwin vega speakers.



Having looked on a few sites it appears that everyone seems to favor the EV ones.

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Yes, Peavey speakers have unfortunately ground to a halt.

I think their target market now is budget users, hence the 'pro' range. And of course there are plenty BW drivers out there that have to be replaced once in a while, spares must be high on their list too, the reason for the new BW basket?


The EV's are good, you also have the option of a full range dual 15" + horn cab if you so desire? (ev eliminators)


These are perfect for playback, I know 2 DJ's who love them.


John Denim.

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Im using the Dynacord Powermate 1000 mk2

Top speakers are

Cerwin Vega PSX153 15" 3 way speakers

Rated 600 watts @ 8ohms

Bass Bins are

Cerwin Vega PSX36 15"

Rated 500 watts @ 8oms

I have the Top speakers wired through internal crossover of the bass bin so the top speakers are never run as a full range speaker.


The Dynacord's amp is only 350W (per channel) at 8 ohms, so very small for 1100W of speakers. It's normal have an amp of 1.5 - 2 times the speakers' rating. This is to avoid clipping the amp, which will damage speakers much more quickly than too much power will.


This may well be the cause of your problems. Getting new speakers may well be the wrong solution to the problem; what you need is a bigger amp.

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Hi Mark,

The dynacord mk 2 rates at 700 watts per channel @ 4omhs which is what the speakers rate at when thy are linked together. Plus the amp has plenty more power should I wish to turn it up....... ie gains are low ....



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4omhs which is what the speakers rate at when thy are linked together.


Not so. Two 8 ohm speakers in parallel is indeed 4 ohms, but as you're going through a crossover to the tops then it's the crossover that the amp is "seeing".


For a bit more info see this recent thread.

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