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Induction loop interference


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Hi Guys


Thanks again for the replies. Answering where I can and apologies for not directly referring to posts by name. I'm very grateful for all the help here as reaching the apparent dead end yesterday with me just having to 'put up and shut up' really began to upset me.


I can appreciate the lady needs her entertainment and the importance to her of watching her religious porgrammes during the day and evening, but then playing guitar/bass and making music for the last 20 years has been my form of spirituality and de-stressing myself so I began feeling quite anxious as the evening wore on.


Yes the loop has an ambient mic attached to it and goes right round the flat. It was installed by a charity called Deaf Action and their engineer and I'm not sure what sort of make it is. I will check with the lady for the make and model of it this afternoon and definitely get in touch with the manufacturer.


I'll post tonight about what sort of make it is.


Yup the Strat is a bad one for picking up all sorts of things. I could change my pickups by either buying a different sort of guitar or installing different pickups into my Strat but I am very much a Start sound man :-) So I am looking into the Variax on that side.


Talking to Ofcom is a possibility and certainly this strong a signal must be breaking some wireless law but I am getting concerned about stressing the lady too much.


I've noted about the amp signal and will bring that up with her and the possibility of contacting a hearing aid specialist if the manufacturer route isn't helpful. A few streets away there is a specialist hearing aid sale and repair shop who may be able to help.


The earthing business is a bit beyond my understanding but the engineer seemed to think it was ok. But perhaps he isn't entirely sure himself and was just saying. From what I could visually see, the box is right next to the TV and satelitte box and has two RCA type plugs in the back which have the cheap 'free' hifi sort of cables plugged into them.


So I think, first thing is to find out exactly what sort of make it is and I shall get back to you on this.


Thanks again people!

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I would say the problem with this is that it is indeed grounding via the earth pin in the plug or a break in in insulation of the loop wire. have seen this before with some budget units. As you are in a flat and all have the same copper water pipes, hence the same earthing point and bleed to earth from any device in the block with travel around the whole building. With a 3 amp output from the unit that would be strong enough to cause the problems you are having.what you could do is take a reading of earth voltage between two copper pipes when the amp is off and see if it goes up when it is off. This will sometimes show if there is a difference. Fail that you will need a point between the pipes and EARTH on the ground floor.
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