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I'm back at my old theatre lending a hand with a rather large get-in at the moment, and have been taking a few photos, some of which have not quite turned out as I wanted......but I like it anyway!



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This summer's outdoor tour. This one is The Importance of Being Earnest at Chiswick House.



Act One (no LD required)




Act Three (LD required)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Not technically a show, but I wanted to show it off....


My redesign (on a very small budget) of the foyer lighting of Perth Concert Hall. I apologise for the poor quality of the pictures, I only had my phone handy.




This is it partially finished.


And the finished version below (it is actually slowly changing colour across the space)




And finaly a picture taken from across the road from the concert hall, during the installation with just the LED 'cans running (the same night the first picture was taken)




Installation used the existing lighting tracks, includes 90 Stairville LED parcans and 10 Source4 Discharge. And the existing large fluorescent filled cross in the ceiling that I just gelled up.

Thanks to thomann for the LED's, and to UsedLighting for the Discharge ballasts (10 for less than the price of 2 from ETC)

Control is from a PC running MagicQ, with a PC mini-wing and a 3 universe Ethernet box.


Click on the pictures for larger versions! (thanks to Wilf for the instructions on that) EDIT: so for people wondering if budget LEDpars are any good? Yes! in large numbers!

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Here is Fairport's Cropredy Convention, that happens annually in the second weekend of August.


I was doing work experience FOH and it was an experience of a lifetime.






Here is an image of the desk which I have forgotten the make of.




Here is the stage all lit up nicely.




and here is looking at the stage from front of house.

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Perhaps you could've paid a little less attention to the PA and a little more to the name of the band! :unsure: They are Fairport Convention, and the event is the Cropredy Festival.

Actually if you follow Jammie's link you'll find they themselves call it the Fairport Cropredy Convention. As it's their festival I suppose they probably know what it's called! Sorry, Gareth! :o

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A prop from a show we are doing at work.



Not sure I posted this pic. This is from when I was a student http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v623/m1ndy9876/CIMG0801.jpg


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I was going to say SSE as well, it looks like one of their style of cases...then thought that guessing the PA company from the style of dog house on the back of the desk might be just a touch on the sad technician geek side. :unsure:



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In an attempt to divert this thread back on topic, I'm going to try something new here and create a precedent called "Hear Your Show".


HERE is a link to a recording from a show I did a while back. Click on the green arrow to hear a low quality, streamed version or hit download for a somewhat better MP3. The song is called "The Ballad of Annie Jane Wilder" and the show was called "The Return of Dr. X". Both have only been produced by a local youth theatre group so far but the writer/composer has high hopes that someday it may go farther...indeed one of the reasons for the recording is that a London producer asked to hear some of the music.


Which brings me to a point for BR posters. Normally I wouldn't be able to post show music on the net due to copyright restrictions but, in this special case, all involved have given permisssion. Please bear that in mind before posting your latest version of something from "Little Shop"!



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