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This years panto called for a large clock, which could rotate on cue, to indicate the passage of time. Built into the scenery above the stage it looked like this from the front (scale is about 4 feet across)...


...and this from the back...


...take a pile of meccano, a stepper motor, some brass rod and tube and a DMX to stepper interface board and assemble.

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Photos froma recent raock gig at Luton Sixth Form College can be found here


Lighting design by Richard Squire (AKA ChazzQuire)

Sound design and production management by myself.


My fave photos below:





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Anybody else here old enough to remember the old 3 strip Cinerama system.


Oh yes. From when I was a kid. And unlike the picture posted above, with Cinerama you couldn't see the joins.


Why not?




This little gizmo called the Gigolo / Giglo / Jigolo / Jiggolo, which wiggles the edge of the image, so that adjacent images dont have a line between them but a slightly blurry bit.


This and more from The Widescreen Museum


Another one of the crazy things I do: part time 35mm projectionist on carbon arc changeovers...

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OT, but...


I recommend that Widescreen Museum site to anyone with an interest in the technology and history of film...it's not just widescreen but also a history of colour processes...I've just wasted over an hour exploring!


Thanks for suggesting it, dbuckley!



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I'v just uploaded some of my photos so thought I'd dig out an old thread :D





This was a summer holiday workshop with 11-18 year olds...the set was white, cream and sandy colours so I had some fun lighting it!


EDIT: I've resized this and hopefully it's OK! Apologies for the original mess-up :D

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Some pictures from one of the show's I work on at SeaWorld, sorry they are not better!

First is from 'Odyssea' in the Nautilus Theatre, there are 8 drops in that picture and that truck is on a track and attached to a chain drive motor to make it move up/downstage, and the large clam in the centre has a hydrolic mechanism to open the top, and like magic, a very flexible young lady appears!! :D

2nd picture is the Nautilus audio booth and old Soundcraft Spirit LX7 before it was replaced with a Midas Heritage 3000, below the desk is the SMPTE time code generator/signal booster, computer system is Prophet Systems NexGen Digital system, and of course the trusty 360 Systems Instant Replay.

3rd is one of the Midas Heritage 3000 consoles in SeaWorlds Seafire Theatre :)







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Here's a few shots from the tech/dress of the Exeter University Theatre Company production of Ionesco's 'The Chairs' - set designed/built and tech-managed by me :D



Big version of the above



Big version



Big version


The set took about 4 weeks to build. Such a shame that the space we were in was only 13ft high :)


I'm desperate to sell the set as we've nowhere to store it. PM me if you know of anyone who might want such a thing!

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Just a few pics of the panto I have been involved with for the past few months.



These were my babies, two Teclumen 1200 MSR Arena followspots. Mine's on the left, got to play with my new Telrad with it as well, is the dog's danglies!!



We had four of these (Robe 575 Colourspot AT), we were up all night playing with them before the tech performance!



Four of these as well (Robe 575 Colourwash XT)!!


As well as those we had:

a unique hazer

cool ice machine

6x LED Pars

6x Birdies for the front of the stage

A number of PCs and Par64s


Not a bad lot for a small village pantomime!!


More pics here:













Have fun



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Some photos from my last show of 2005, My Mother Said I Never Should.

My Lighting design and set design. The space is a 144 seat school studio, 24 dimmers with a Sirius. flat floor, only 80A single phase supply for everything...


Voodoo scene opening, just 3 birdies and a 2 Kw Congo backlight...



The baby grand piano is a vital part of the plot, and the style of the set required a white one. after asking many music stores no-one was wiling to lend us one so I made this from scratch (I put a Yahama keyboard inside and it was 'Played' onstage with a small powered speaker under the soundboard of the Piano.




In the Garden, (the swing was flown from the RSJ in the roofspace) All of my spare Patt23's went into the Gobos for this scene with split gels (All 5 of them?)




More Gobos,



Nice backlight, dream sequence



Other photos at:


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Another show where I did both the set and lighting design.

3rd Week in August by Peter Gordon National Premiere.

This must be the cheapest set I have ever done, The caravan was a £10 bargin from Ebay, and the grass was borrowed from an exhibition centre. The caravan came in through a standard Firedoor we had to cut it in half along the waistline, tip it on edge and slide the two parts in through the door, then attach it back together. the back corner was also cut out to fit it up against the back wall of the studio






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The college theatre I work at put on "Disco Inferno", a seventies musical with a similar story to the film "Bedazled", which I was assigned Technical Manager (and I personally did lighting design and operation for).


Here we are:


1. The very begining of the show, cast entering from the back of the auditorium past the "Caberet style" seating for VIPs, the Orchestra Pit and onto the stage, greeted by 4 Tourwash 250's and plenty of washlights. Oh, and there were two rople lights.





2. Just Tourwashes pointed at the riser, bit of smoke from the two Jem/Martin Magnum 2000's I had mounted in the rig, and a crappy old mirror ball we found.





3. My favourite, show's one of the two projetion screens we used either side of stage. This scene is in hell. Loads of L106 and Tourwashes Spinning like crazy with their zoom function moving at full pelt! The fire on the screen ain't bad either! If you look carefully at the chair behind the "Devil", you can see trusted gaffa holding it together (a last last last minute fix before it went on stage - fell to pieces!).




Hope you like!

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