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OK, Here is my contribution;


Peer Gynt

Henrik Ibsen







I was Stage Manager however I had a bit of input into the Set and Lighting Design.


This is my most favorite production I have worked on to date, The acting was great, it was lit nicely and the way the set worked was very unique.



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Nitin Sawhney - At the Arches Glasgow

Philtre UK Tour 2005







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I finally can show a show I've done.

I did this for my GCSE drama exam last week, there is only a few pics.







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Seeing as most of the pictures on here are amzing with loads of really good equipment and moving lights I thought I'd show my own range of, how shall I say....budget lighting!


The set of pics I've put up atm are from a show I did in Jan, its Our Country's Good and was a school show. I had a very limited budget which just about covered gels and gobos! We did it at the local theatre where I work its about 220 seater and has a large number of profiles and fresnels. I also brought a load more fresnels and profiles down from the school so we had nearly 60 lights (a lot for me!) and I think it looked pretty good though would appricate any positive or negative feedback!

You can see them here:


Will post some more pictures in the summer where I'm doing two musicals which actually have a budget so watch this space!

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Those look quite good to me! Budget lighting or not, it just goes to show that it can be done rather well. I do like the gobos.


Paul, those look rather good. Not much more to say except thats its probably the camera that makes them look so nice :)



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  • 3 weeks later...
Tis Pity She's A Wh*re...








More Photos


Saw the last night of this in Bristol. Heavy stuff but really superb. The pics don't do justice to Peters efforts and the sound was great, very sensitive. Well done all.



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There's a whole new art when you start to talk about budget lighting for small gigs.

For example the last gig I did, the lighting control consisted of a 4 channel chaser, a 4-way switched mains dist board and an ancient 3 channel analogue dimmer ;). A desk would be a luxury.


Here's a pic of a gig that I was tech direc for and did a tiny bit of the lighting design (but was really sound) (this one was on a little more than the above, but close). Anyhow, it looks cool.




(bad quality because it was taken on a phone)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Sounds ...nice... Luckily, there wasn't a cat in the venue, however the sand was beginning to smell funny by the end of the run. Not sure why?


all those bare sweaty feet can't have been good for it. or all the nicotine it'll have picked up.


here's one of mine;


I was sound, not LX;



I lit this; (it looked better than this, but...);




I guess I should start taking photos to represent the shows, rather than only taking ones that work well as photos. hmm.

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My turn now....












More to come... (www.sparkysteve.com)

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here's an amusing one;


shining my maglite around, I noticed how good this reflective banner looked with just a little illumination; so did this...




to give this;




for this lot;




(also; a 4Kw camera flash is quite handy :))

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Hey sparkysteve, just been looking at your pics on your website - top stuff.

Though I'm just wondering.... looking at the pics, there seems to be a chromabank that has one single green LED spot on it which is the same for every other pic. Were they not working properly or were they supposed to look like that? It looks rather odd.

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Hi Jamtastic...


yeah, there was two chromabanks like that... the centre leg on the circle and the SL one on the stage. As yet I haven't figured out what it was... whether it was a programming fault, desk error or software fault I really don't know. They appeared after around an hour / 2 hours which is quite perculiar... has anyone else had similar things like this happen? they were chromabank mkII's run off a Pearl 2000

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