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How about limiting the size of the pictures/photos etc. in terms of pixels as well as physical size of the file (as they do with avatars on some forums),

I suppose I should've made it clearer - the pictures should be no more than 640 x 480 pixels, and have a filesize of up to 30kb.



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Heres mine, note the use of ACLs, is there any aplication they're not suitable for?



Adam Watkiss Theatre Tour 2003. 10 Bars of ACLS and 4 Mac 250s


Circus of Horrors Big Top in Bristol 2002. 60 P64, 4 Bar of ACLs and 3 8 Cell Moles


Circus of Horrors Theatre Tour 2002, Warrington Parr Hall. 8 Bar of ACLs, 6 Mini Scan HPE, 2 Bars of 4 P64s, 6 UV Cannons and 10 Floor Cans



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How about limiting the size of the pictures/photos etc.  in terms of pixels as well as physical size of the file (as they do with avatars on some forums),

I suppose I should've made it clearer - the pictures should be no more than 640 x 480 pixels, and have a filesize of up to 30kb.



I see the 'offending' photos have now shrunk to a more reasonable size :D

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But given we are discussing Frank Wood elsewhere I though it might be appropriate to have a look at some examples of his work to understand partly where he is coming from.









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How about limiting the size of the pictures/photos etc.  in terms of pixels as well as physical size of the file (as they do with avatars on some forums),

I suppose I should've made it clearer - the pictures should be no more than 640 x 480 pixels, and have a filesize of up to 30kb.



The above picture would appear to be 1600 x 1200 pixels and approx. 358 kB


Who's not sticking to the rules then :P ;)


Doh, SparkySteve got in and shrunk the picture why I was writing the last post - please accept my apologies :D

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Well time for me to share 3 of my favs



Bournemouth School for Boys 'n Girls 2003 Xmas Ball - 6x PR Pilot 250s, 4x Roboscan 518s and some UV



Fame 2003 which I lit for St Peter's School - Dunno why this is my favourite, but I do like the way the L154 falls onto the back of the set and mixes with the blue wash to make it almost slightly purpley. The Radial breakup from the 4 overhead Pilot 250s were also doing a nice slow animation.



A Jazz gig at Lighthouse - can't remember which. I like lighting the Jazz as you can normally do whatever you want which normally means for a nice afternoon/evening. DHA811s and some L181, L119 and L106 created this pic.


And yup, you can't beat some 743s :D



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this is a pic of a rock concert I did for a music charity, my fixtures were limited, and because it was a charity they had no hire funds. So I quite happily did them a free gig, (they paid for the pyros :** laughs out loud **: )


the event was covered by karang, who also took the picture.


I have loads of pics from this event I will most some more as and when I can.


this was a couple of years ago, but I think you will agree that its a great shot.




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heres a few pics from a concert in september, I apologize, as I dont think thease pics are worthy of these pages, but I was let down badly by se london, anyway:



look how small the elara is compared to the sony digital desk



heres the, bad picture due to camera adjusting light levels, rig actually used was 4x par56s, 2x sls + a couple of floorcans, smoke etc., was supposed to be double that, but was down 6 channels



pic from the getout, windup stands are real time savers

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Ok this is from my Schools Annual Rock concert budget is pretty tight so nothing spectacular:



We used a mixture of FLY Colour changers and Parcans and 6 trackspots on back truss.


Some atmospheric lighting


the trackspots and fly colour changers providing the back lighting and Mac 250's on the Drum RIser

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