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2005 Guangdong International Tourism Cultural Festival

- 248 pasef search lights made the scene..... :unsure:

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Thats a Midas Herratige without a doubt. Im pritty sure its a H3000 and would make sense because looking it SSE did the sound (Big GeoT system gave me that impression).


Edit: Damn, I was beaten to it!


I definitely know SSE Provided the PA and Prism for the sound. And I know it was a midas but I didn't know the make

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Pictures taken from a concert I ran this weekend at the theatre at work. I designed and operated the light rig. Rig mainly consisted of 6 x MAC 300, 10 x MAC 250 and a load of generics.









Moderation: Edited to 3 images as per thread rules

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  • 3 weeks later...

Far less impressive then many of the big boy shows, but anyway ...


Here is a photo of the lighting from a youth service lead by a local Christian band. I acted as LD, with assistance from Ben Bodsworth


We started the get in at 9am Saturday morning the service started at 6.30 and had finished the get out around 10.30pm.




Hopefully more photos will follow.


The rig was 18 par 56 (+6 up-lighting the pillars)

6 Minuette F

2 Source 4 Junior Zooms

run on a cheap GLP DMX desk, 2 BetaPack 1 dimmers, 3 sound lab dimmers

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  • 3 months later...

Below are some photos from two carol services I lit over December.








More photos here


Rig consisted of:


3 Coda3s

4 PAR 64s

6 S4 PARs

4 PAR 56s

2 Prelude profiles

1 1kW CCT Silhouette

1 Christmas tree with lights

1 set of fairy lights strung cheesily where I didn't want them...


All run from a Sirius 24.


Lighting design by me, photos by Ian Brown.

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As no-one else had put a panto on this year, I thought (now the dust has settled and we've past the "please let me never do a panto again" phase), I'd show this one:





If you look carefully on the top one you'll see the wrong colour splodge MSR where the scroller was playing up on the day of the photo! :D

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  • 1 month later...

This is my antithesis to big flashy mover-rigs... a concert lit with only 8 parcans, 4 dimmer channels and 4 movers. The band is called Unkle Bob, and this was part of a tour of schools. In this case, the usual venue would've been our theatre, but it was in use for another event so we put the band in our old Gym. Despite initial reservations about capacity, safety and technical facilities (lack of), the gig went particularly well and the band themselves even commented how much they liked the lighting.


http://www.pauldurose.stsg.co.uk/UnkleBob/2914.jpg http://www.pauldurose.stsg.co.uk/UnkleBob/3115.jpg




http://www.pauldurose.stsg.co.uk/UnkleBob/2992.jpg http://www.pauldurose.stsg.co.uk/UnkleBob/2980.jpg

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Shinfield Players Theater, Reading.


A production of "The Scottish Play"

ShowTec LED PARS for colour washes and uplighters, Unique 2 hazer, 8 PAR 36 Pinspots and a selection of generics. Although principally doing sound, had a hand in some of the lighting ideas.



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Hi there,


I left for Doha in June 2005 and now you can see what I got upto;


Photos of the Doha Asian Games Opening & Closing Ceremonies.


Highlights include;

1) Possibly the worlds largest hi-def LED screen at 157m wide x 60m tall and used 2,200 tons of very big steel

2) Automated cauldron at a lifted weight of 113 tons - installed with 900 ton mobile crane!

3) Stadium flying system

4) Another large chamber with stage trucks and lift

5) Gratuitous crane shots

6)....and yes you can train a horse to gallop up a 36deg ramp


The Opening Ceremony was on the 1st December 2006, so apologies for the delay.




Piers Shepperd

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Hi there,


I left for Doha in June 2005 and now you can see what I got upto


Piers Shepperd

Just one thing to say, Piers....

Kudos!! ;)

Some fantastic pics, and looks like it was a HUGE show and whilst I'm sure a lot of hard work, it must have been extreme fun to work.

Well done.

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Thank you...


As with all Productions this one was a massive team effort with suppliers and crew from all over the world. I think in the thick of things it was hard to describe the 55 deg C as extreme fun, but looking back now it doesn't seem so bad!

Having so many large cranes (we managed to get 15 on one day) for an Opening Ceremony build was entertaining.





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Just me again... another 1-nighter charity school rock concert...


There's also a little snippet appeared on YouTube, here, although not the best bit.


http://www.pauldurose.stsg.co.uk/Mellow07/dscf3692.jpg http://www.pauldurose.stsg.co.uk/Mellow07/dscf3697.jpg


http://www.pauldurose.stsg.co.uk/Mellow07/dscf3756.jpg http://www.pauldurose.stsg.co.uk/Mellow07/dscf3763.jpg




While I'm here (and I know this is breaking the rules slightly), I did a mini-pyro demonstration for the students last week and I just like this photo from it. (Note: the black tabs behind are actually much further away than it looks!)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I seem to recall some while ago mentioning a tribute band we had in (Whole Lotta Led - no prizes for who they were tributising!) where we rigged 25 par cans at the back of the drummer, and one of our ex-tech's (he's fallen off the edge of the world (and the BR) back up in the frozen wastes of Scotland somewhere!!) sat and programmed the alphabet, numbers 0-9 and several shapes/symbols into the old Lightboard M chase memories. (Sad, but true!!)

This pic is a video capture from my digicam, hence the grain and the cheesy sepia effect, but you can see the asterisk symbol (was actually a spinning star) fairly well.


The other pic shows a couple of Coemar lanterns we 'rediscovered' a few weeks back - another BR member was asking about bubbles for these as well....


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