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Maybe someone has been reading Lightnix's post about the environmental impact of using gaffer tape and decided not to tape the floor down in order to save the planet? :P


Unfortunately this can have the side effect that whenever someone moves on the floor (e.g. dances) it causes the effect seen in the photo: an effect we technically call "a trip hazard". Risk assessment anyone? :)

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With regards to that floor.

It's pretty normal as a dancer to go out and see floors like this.

We don't mind too much. And I also know how hard it is too lay it perfectly. Rarely happens, unless it's a permanent install.

Anyway - this has gone a tad off topic.....

for now...


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These are some images, minus any talent on stage, from Honk! (by Stiles & Drewe) at the Wilde Theatre at the South Hill Park Arts Centre, Bracknell.


Interesting concept for the show - ours was a lot more cartoony - our 'Cat' set was a 'Ready Steady Cook' style setup - complete with comedy sized frying pan! Albeit we did 'The Elegy/Snowstorm' with 15 white umbrellas in a sort of interpretational moment from the director!

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Laid? I think "dropped" is a more appropriate term!


It's not that bad! It's just that no-one has taughtened the Marlay after it's relaxed... It might look a bit scruffy, it doesn't merit the lambasting you guys have just served it with though...

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It might look a bit scruffy, it doesn't merit the lambasting you guys have just served it with though...


It's a bit of fun! This is the Crew Room, after all. We give out this kind of stuff all the time in our crew room and no-one takes it personally.


The first person to point out the rucks in the floor was Bryson who used to be Technical Manager of a top professional dance venue where that kind of thing would have been 100% unacceptable: the trip hazard is just too great. The next comment was from Gareth who is Technical Manager of a professional producing theatre where the same would be true. We're all aware that the person who posted the image is a student and may not work to the same exacting standards as some of us and, indeed, we may even have done a rehearsal on a similar floor ourselves when we were his age. Nevertheless, if someone came into my crew room with the same photo they'd have got the same response! It's all just a bit of fun. Loz, please don't take it personally. :)

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The next comment was from Gareth who is Technical Manager of a professional producing theatre where the same would be true.

Thanks for the 'virtual promotion', but sadly I'm not actually the technical manager - I'm a bit further down the food chain than that! But I've worked on my fair share of dance over the years, and you don't have to be a tech manager to know a tatty dance floor when you see one ... :)

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It might look a bit scruffy, it doesn't merit the lambasting you guys have just served it with though...


It's a bit of fun! This is the Crew Room, after all. We give out this kind of stuff all the time in our crew room and no-one takes it personally.


The first person to point out the rucks in the floor was Bryson who used to be Technical Manager of a top professional dance venue where that kind of thing would have been 100% unacceptable: the trip hazard is just too great. The next comment was from Gareth who is Technical Manager of a professional producing theatre where the same would be true. We're all aware that the person who posted the image is a student and may not work to the same exacting standards as some of us and, indeed, we may even have done a rehearsal on a similar floor ourselves when we were his age. Nevertheless, if someone came into my crew room with the same photo they'd have got the same response! It's all just a bit of fun. Loz, please don't take it personally. :)



hèhè, I'm not really a student anymore. that particular show was more of an intervention :** laughs out loud **:

there was no budget at all, no idea about the lighting, nothing to use (some small fixtures and 5kW total), nothing to rig them too, a show not finished at all and a premiere in 2 days. thats why I didn't have the time to lay down that dancefloor properly and I left it the way it was when I entered the studio. it would have taken a very long time (bad tape, tape goo all over the place, no tape at all in stock)


I wish I had the chance to do it right because it's not really good advertisement for me...

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Guess the show!






Everyone's probably done it about six times!

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