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As promised..

A few more from my 4gigs worth of photos at the IAAF world indoor athletics championships here in Valencia.

For those who havent read any of the threads regaurding the job, we supplied lighting for the podium, gobos depicting various athletic disciplines, outdoor architectural lighting, all mains distro for us, media etc..., LED screen, ALL motors (including high-speed flag raisers and 4 to hang the shotput safety cage).


Many many KM´s of cables in the 32meter up walkway in the roof!!!


It also turned out I am from the ukrane!

Due to a lovely spanish/english problem between our office and the event security (UK based) when I went to recive my pass it was printed with a ukranian flag and in big letters "COLIN BONE, UKRANE".


Made funnier as the crew joke on comms was always about "my team" were going to compete.. and Ukrania did better than UK...


The ugly people in one pic is the "principal crew" photo.

De-stress meal/night out was friday... we had muchisimo alchomohol....


IAAF World Champs pics

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Heres the Link to saome of my pictures from Woodkirk's Production of Chess, I took loads more pictures, so if you want to see more ask.



The first 2 in particular don't really show the lighting to its best! Maybe a better camera, lessons in how to use the one you've got or a copy of Photoshop would help.


...though you do seem to have taken the first one just as a girl in the ensemble's dress was up in the air revealing her pants! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought I might finally get round to posting some of my own after browsing so many pics.


First one from the schools fashion show



more here


Next from the schools show - south pacific



posted in honour of the pilot in the picture whos comedy performance made the whole thing worthwhile

more here


and finally from the recent AS/A2 exams on thursday - this ones from arabian nights...at this point they are a "singing tree"!




more here


please let me know what you think, all opinions accepted!




edit: pictures rehosted

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Hi there,


Not really a theatrical production, but this is what I've been up to for the last year - A touring art pavilion for Chanel.


Architectural Design by Zaha Hadid, main contractor ES Projects, major sub contractors include Stage One, Sheetfabs and Architen Landrell.

A massive design and fabrication challenge as EVERY component is custom made due to the organic shape.

Of note - The exterior panels were CNC machined out of foam blocks before being laid up as FRP panels - each and every panel is a different shape. The steel structure had to be plasma profiled to make the correct curvature (i.e. flat steel plate cut into the required shape and then welded up to make a structural 'I' beam). Each and every steel member is of a different length and shape.


The pavilion is currently in Hong Kong but will also visit Tokyo, New York, London, Moscow and Paris.


Test build in Yorkshire:



Bracing joy:



Finished in Hong Kong:



More finished photos: Chanel Art Pavilion in Hong Kong - Photos by unknown member of public

Official Chanel Website: Chanel Mobile Art





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Here's a few photos of what I've been working on the past 6 months or so... So it's not strictly theatre, and I didn't build it, and it's had a rocky start, but I'm still proud to have played my (mostly PowerPoint based) part...


Terminal 5

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not quite my show, at least in design terms- a young colleague has been designing lights on a school production of Jesus Christ Superstar and I got roped in to help, wrangling moving lights and programming the show. It's come up brilliantly:


(obviously, the Crucifixion - the cross lifts out of the rostra)



The priests in This Jesus Must Die


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Here's Photos from the last show I was a Production Manager for at Northbrook Theatre (Southern Arts Centre)


Walk this Way





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The Woodsman, Pacific Theatre, Vancouver.


Directed by Morris Ertman

Set Design by Dale Marushy

Lighting Design by Matt Frankish

Costume Design by Krista Young








Not the most cheerful of shows, mind:


It's about a pedophile who has just been released from prison. And yes, he is "chatting up" the 12 year old girl in the photo above. It ends on a redemptive note, though.



It\'s a very dark and shadowy design, for sure - deliberately so. In fact, one of the characters is never directly lit - only ever in the reflected light from other characters.



Man, I wish the photographer was a little better with the focus ring...

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This is one of my first "real" gigs (ie; a gig not in-school :)) that I operated alone using Hog PC. I was terribly nervous as I was only 15 at the time... it was also my first real-life experience of what stress is really like - I spent a solid 12 hours programming the day before until midnight, woke up at 6 the following morning and kept on programming right up until the show at 7pm. Adding to this a storm came about about an hour before doors and caused all sorts of issues with the generator and, worst of all, my Dad went into surgery for a double bypass following a major stroke...


... surprisingly everything turned out ok :pissedoff:


From what I can remember, gear used was...


16x Par 64

4x Mac 550

6x Mac 250 Entour

4x CX-10 Extreme





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