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Hi John and Ben


I needed over 90 channels. The orchestra played with the bands... and the adult choir.... and the kids choir. I mixed all of it from the two M7's. They sit nicely at 90 degees to eachother and you can reach all of it from one swivel chair ;-)


We have M7CL and PM5D stock at SFL, we have nothing bigger and Yamaha dont make anything bigger..... ok there is PM1D but I have never used one!


I also rigged my own PFL/Cue PA system (E3's) in the FOH tent so I never had to put cans on. I also had a comms jockey (Dan the Man!) on full time duty in the tent telling me what random thing was about happen next including radio mic and VT cues. Not a very rewarding job for Dan but it kept my head free for the mix.


Yes, I cascade both the M7s through digital IO cards (ADAT cards and light pipes in this case) and the mix bus structure becomes unified (or not depending how you configure it). I submixed the orch and choirs down to 8 subgroups on the "orch and choir" M7 which then appeared on my master board's mix masters.


The M7 cascade also allows me to unify the cue/PFL system. I also had to provide a bunch of mix stuff for the broadcast truck as they could not deal with the 98 channels we had (bless!). These also came out of the orch_n_choir board. Oh and then there were the onward basic mix feeds to the dedicated choir monitor board up in the stands.... also sent from the slave M7. The on stage monitors were done on PM5D, we needed the complex recall tricks the PM5D can do to make that part of the story work..... but thats another story!


Next year I am going to do it on ten LS9 16's in a line array ;-) Im gonna need a ladder.





I'd assume it's so they can have seperate orchestra mix aswell as someone looking after the bands...could be a bit fiddly with two engineers on the same console.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow ive been having a look through this topic and you guys really know how to put on shows!


some of them are outstanding.


I hope I get to work something so amazing at some point,


I really likes these




Ive not got any picture of my own, im still just running small scale shows and events, hopfully in a few years ill be sharing some of my own work.



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One show I LDed recently - Blithe Spirit. LED parcans making stage colour with a fresnel lifting their faces. I was particularly pleased with the flickering fireplace, wall lamps and standard lamps all into the lighting system, and the ability to change the garden in the french windows a different colour to the stage! Might just add the sloppy light on the floor is where the table SHOULD have been, nothing to do with sloppy focusing on my part!



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  • 2 weeks later...

School production of Bugsy Malone - July 2008. Talent are aged 11-14.









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Some metal/hardcore shenanigans from back in the day






Moderation: Edited to 3 photos as per thread rules

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just for laughs..

we did a concert in benidorm a few weeks ago which has mysteriously appeared on youtube.


I can be seen on the followspot tower then again later up some truss with some coemars mid-show....


later is the main "event" a rapper called Daddy Yankee.....


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Some spliced together footage of our school production of Return To The Forbidden Planet.



It was the first time we had used MACs (4 x MAC250s) and a Fat Frog.


We also rigged up 8 computers (4 either side) on the raised staging in which the chorus sang on. They were then controlled by a master computer so that any number of things could be shown eg: DANGER or random scrolling text (only the screens can be seen). The circular projector screen area at the back was also projected onto with flash animations made by our resident flash genius! The circular screen did lead to a rumor that we had spend loads of money on a special circular projector!

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Pics from the just-closed Arsenic and Old Lace. The cellar was down the raised black bit under the first landing, and the window seat (in which bodies are hidden!) was just out of shot to the right. The windows that you can see on the left of the shot were mirrored on the right, except that there were windows rather than doors.




The stair treads were all metal grilles, which allowed our lighting designer to get some gorgeous effects...the whole thing was very film noir and beautiful!




What you can't see (and I don't have any pictures of, unfortunately) is that outside the windows (which were cut away on the downstage sides) there was a graveyard backed by a painted cyc (with fibre-optic stars put into it) of more gravestones and buildings (New York skyline) which had fibre-optic lights in their windows. Meant we could do lovely long "fading-to-night" sequences!

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