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Oxford Fashion Week 2011 Concept Show

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OK, Can I remind everyone of the 'rules' of this topic as stated at the start of the thread...

All photos must be hosted on photobucket.com. We impose this rule as it restricts the file sizes - and reduces our server load.


Maximum of 3 photos per person at a time. This makes it interesting - choose your favorite three, or most interesting/bizzar three.


Right now the fun bits. Basically we want to see your show. You can post renders, plans, photos, sketches, whatever. Small scale or Classical Spectacular, we want to see it. Obviously if you're in the business of small scale recieving with a new show every night, perhaps its best not to post photos every night, but once a month should be okay.


I'd also like to point out that (as I see it) the general idea is to show us photos of your work that you're proud of, maybe because the photo shows how you've used particular light/colour/angle etc to create a specific effect, or the scene just looks stunning. Or to show a stage set that you're pleased with because it's over and above what you'd normally expect.


With the greatest of respect to some of those who've posted in the last few weeks, that doesn't always seem to be the case - sometimes the pics are off focus, poorly framed, or just of a subject matter that really could be just any old show with nothing really interesting to the viewers.


What catches my eye here is the kind of thing that is different from the norm (eg the white-lit dance shots above, despite there being too many in one post :)), or that shows how the LD has made best use of limited resources to create a well lit scene.


No offence intended, guys, but phone snaps and basic shots of mover beams through the smoke doesn't really interest me, if I'm honest...

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Also, as I posted just a few posts up from here, could people please tell us WHY they're are posting pics and set them into some sort of context. A shot of an empty stage with no lighting on makes a lot more sense if you tell us that you built the stage and underneath there is a bog with scaff legs drilled 8 metres into the ground to hold it steady. Likewise a picture of a beautiful show with nothing to say what your involvement was, could just have been something you downloaded off Google Images. Context is really important to this thread or it makes no sense at all.


Thanks all. B-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thebans at Edinburgh's Telford College.


I was the LX Designer for this show. :) The camera has somehow manage to over saturate the colours but you get the jist of it! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif For those who are nosy this is what I used: 6x Robe Cityskapes, 14x 1K floods, 10x 650w Fresnel, 7x 1k Fresnel, 10x S4 26º, 2x S4 Zoom 25/50, 2x S4 Zoom 15/30, 6x 1k PC's, 2x PAR64 (CP62) and 2 gobo rotators ran by 8 Zero88 Betapack II controlled by a Fat frog with a lost thumb wheel! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif Also there are extra lights on the rig as we are doing two shows at once causing chaos in the process...









More here: http://www.kalaxhost...-Thebans





Moderation: Just 3 posts up from this is a reminder of the rules for this topic: Max 3 pictures per post to keep it interesting. Just occasionally some images are so good that we allow more, but the rest of the time we need to keep it to 3. 7 images removed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are some of the photos from my recent production of 'FAME! The Musical'


Rough lighting specification consists of:


- 44 Selecon Rama PCs


- 22 Par 64 (CP62 Lamps on side booms)


- 12 Source 4 19


- 12 Source 4 25/50


- 12 Source 4 15/30


- 4 Mac 250 Wash (Back Light)


Aditional Images from Fame and other shows are available on my website. See my Signature for link or Click here












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  • 2 weeks later...

Another Billy Elliot...


Bit of background: Venue was attached to a school so our access was very limited. The venue has a few lanterns of their own but we weren't allowed to move them so I had to bring in a lot of extras. Muggins here was the only tech working on the production. Time was so tight we had to plot the entire show blind on the producer's dining room table (~150 cues); opening night was the first time we got to see what the lighting actually looked like...


All things considered, I think it turned out pretty well. It wasn't a great camera so didn't capture quite how it looked but it gives a pretty good idea. My favourite lighting came from the booms (I love side light) but the camera wasn't so keen; it looked great on stage for the dances but didn't come out in the photos unfortunately.





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Here's one that's going to have to stretch to a couple of posts - sorry!


This was a one-off corporate event in Abu Dhabi, the night prior to the inaugural Abu Dhabi Formula 1 Grand Prix.


The venue was a custom designed Geodesic Dome with a 35m Outer Diameter. During the production meetings, it became apparent that the tent manufacturer couldn't (or wouldn't) put a label on how much weight the structure could support, and so my 2.5 Tonnes of Lighting would need to go on a ground support.


Obviously the whole point of the dome was the shape, and so an off-the-shelf ground support wouldn't do, as it would have ruined the lines of the structure. Enter our Local Supplier and Eurotruss who very kindly rushed together a design that would enable us to have a 35m Diameter semi-spherical ground support, using FD34 so that all of the massive new curvy truss sections would interface with the rental companies current stock of truss.


Additionally, the 12 legs of the ground support, could also make up 6 x 35m Circle trusses with all of the other gubbins out of the way. A win/win then for me, the client, and the rental company who all got what we needed out of the minor crisis that was the tents structural capacity.


So. Here are some of the build pics. I'll follow in the next post with some show pics.





The 'Hub' that joined all of the legs together




The Crane that lifted the circle truss that was to hold the motors for lifting the Ground Support up as each section of the 'Legs' was attached.




Ground Support under construction.


To be continued....


And now for the Show Piccies.


Apologies Mod's as I'm going to have to go over the 3 Pic limit here....


Right then...


If you've read the article in the ALD mag about this already, then apologies for going over old ground. For the benefit of those that haven't however.


The only real request from the client was that they had each table pin-spotted. This is easy enough in your average ballroom, however this particular venue was so tight on space (and with a MASSIVELY expensive carpet) that I knew that traditional generics were not going to be punchy enough for the throw, and that the tables would end up moving around a lot before doors with no way to access the rig to refocus. Every table got it's own Mac 700 Spot then, so that we could not only pinspot the tables, but gobo-wash and colour change them too.


I had to worry about lighting both the exterior and the interior of the structure, as well as ensure that emergency lighting was taken care of. The ultimate solution to the hanging locations of the fixtures was three concentric circle trusses, staggered in height, and with these each supporting some custom Showtex Drapery to form what became known as 'The Chandellier'.


The rig was made up of only Martin Moving Heads on the inside, with 18 2500w City Colours, and 18 7000w A&O Searchlights on the exterior, and a few Selecon Arena fresnel's dotted about the outside on some truss totems to provide area lighting for the cocktail reception.


Here's the piccies then...



























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Thanks Aaron.


It won me an award so I must have been doing something right with that one! :)


As with most of my show's though, I am only ever partly happy with things (at best). Being my own worst critic there are always things that I think didn't work, could have been better, or could have been left out completely. On the whole though, this is one of the few that I am generally pretty pleased with ;)





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Paul - I think that's one of the key features of a succesful lighting designer though. Being able to design a production on that scale with big budgets and still come out of it thinking it's not quite perfect is important!


There's always something you'll learn from show to show which you take on and use in the next show. It's usually down to hindsight and mistakes which help you develop in my opinion!

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Enter our Local Supplier and Eurotruss who very kindly rushed together a design that would enable us to have a 35m Diameter semi-spherical ground support, using FD34 so that all of the massive new curvy truss sections would interface with the rental companies current stock of truss.

Wow. That's a seriously impressive structure to whip up at short notice!

Oh, and the lighting is nice too. ;)

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Back to my favourite phrase, Smiffy.

"Remember guys, whatever we think of it the punters haven't seen the script/design/storyboard."


No show in all my life has ever turned out exactly as desired but there have been quite a few like yours that nobody else could criticise. Nice one.


If someone PM's me with how to glue pics I will shove in some nice tenty type ones.

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