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If we had a quality standard for this section of the forum, then Paul's pictures are what we should all aspire to! I'm not talking about the mega budget or the venue, I'm talking about the aestethics - the photos just show what lighting can actually do with thought and skill. Perhaps from this point on, we should confine Show you Show to 'Show your lighting' - because sometimes we seem to be showing the performers more than the lighting?


Don't comment here - I'll start a discussion in issues here.


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As with most of my show's though, I am only ever partly happy with things (at best). Being my own worst critic there are always things that I think didn't work, could have been better, or could have been left out completely. On the whole though, this is one of the few that I am generally pretty pleased with ;)


Out of curiosity; what would you like to have changed had you had the luxury of hindsight when designing? You don't have to answer, but I'm intrigued as to what improvements designers want to make to what most people view as stunning designs!

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just wow that is some really amazing lighting :D


would love a bit more detail on it and also a link to that ald article if it was on the net (sorry if being a idiot but I am unfamiliar with ALD)

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School's Hairspray - June 2011


Rehearsal - 'Big Doll House' number



Rehearsal - 'Without Love' with Link and Tracy


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I never take photos of shows I've done but someone emailed me these which show one third of the reason I've not been on the forum for a while. If I get photos of the other 2 operas I'll stick them up later.





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Photos from my recent project - four (abridged) musicals in 10 days for Urdang Academy, a dance and musical theatre school in London.


The challenge here was to create a rig that could light the 4 musicals, each of a very different style - as well as two 30-minute dance presentations. Each evening a different musical would occupy the first half, and after an interval, one of the two dance shows would follow.


The rig had to be suitable primarily for the dance shows - and the limitations of the space also meant that there was no overhead rigging possible. Both of which constraints meant the rig would have to be mostly sidelight and backlight - very little from the front and none overhead at all. Adding to the complication of the sidelight rig was that each had their own set, which in some cases obscured the sidelight across large chunks of the stage! Other limitations included the hire budget - it was a 14 day run which had to come in at under £2000, and the short tech time for each piece.


The rig was as follows: 8x Source 4 25/50 shins in L203, 8x PAR 64 mids with Wybron CXI scrollers, 8x PAR 64 heads in Rosco 305, 4x PAR 64 with CXI scrollers as backlight, 4x Selecon Rama Fresnels in open white as front fill, 2x Mac 500 as front specials, 2x Mac 600 as front colour wash, 1x Mac 600 as an additional backlight wash, 2x Mac 500 as backlight specials, 6x Mac 500 as onstage specials (high sidelight). The cyc wash was provided by 8 Thomann LED PARs which were bounced off another cloth about 3 feet upstage of the cyc itself. Apart from a slightly jumpy fade from black up to 10%, these were actually fantastic and provided a clean, even cyc wash with the ability to do split colour and some interesting moving effects.


I have included four pictures - I hope you will excuse me this, but since there were four shows I thought it would be best to show a glimpse of each. The first is from "Fiddler on the Roof" and shows how the backlight was in many ways the punchiest part of the rig. The second is from "The Wiz" and shows some the set which obscured a large amount of my sidelight on stage left. The third is from "Anything Goes" - perhaps the most challenging to light as vast swathes of it are essentially farce, requiring division of the stage into clearly defined areas whilst keeping the actors very well lit within those areas to see facial expressions and gags. The final one is from "Carousel" which had little set and was a joy to light - having a very even balance of scenes and dance numbers.


All in all, alot to achieve with only 8 hours to tech each piece - but I am very pleased with the results.









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  • 2 weeks later...

If there's one thing I hate about some of the images I've seen on here, It's how you folks can deal with an untidy FOH!

Mine has to be spotlessly clean and tidy! No clutter, everything of importance at ease-of-reach, the rest of it can go!


Surely I'm not the only one?


I've absolutely no idea what you're on about, Joshua. I can't find a picture that shows FOH - they all seem to show the stages. Do you mean the FOH rig? If so, how do you know there isn't a reason for everything that a different phto might explain? My FOH rig is very rarely symetrical, for instance, but everything is in the best place for that particular show. It most certainly isn't spotlessly clean, though. If you've got time to go round with a duster then you're doing something hugely wrong! Perhaps I've misunderstood?

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Rein in a little, Joshua. As a newbie student you may not know that what you are posting could well be seen by your teachers and lecturers and there are quite a few future employers here as well.


Take a look around, get the feel of the forum and welcome to the best place to get a free education in technical theatre.


I am fairly notorious for repeating the phrase; "housekeeping, housekeeping, housekeeping" to the point well past tedium but I would not presume to make generalised comments on others standards, I presume they are doing their best under whatever conditions they find themselves. If MY punters are looking at the neatness of the rig then something is badly wrong.

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Just found some more 'lights on' pics of the rig here that I didn't know existed.

Almost a shame the rigs all black :P Would have been interesting to see if anyone could have sourced all the fixtures in white! Or is that going a bit too far, ha!




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I've absolutely no idea what you're on about, Joshua. I can't find a picture that shows FOH - they all seem to show the stages.


Well the techs in Mr Hippy's post could tidy their area a little, but I suspect this pic was not taken during the show. Don't be rude to them though - let them dow gently. ;)

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