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Here's a few from the dim & distant...




L' Esire D' Amour (The Elixire of Love)

An opera, performed on a set that could not be fixed to the walls or floor of a Grade II listed interior in a 60's shed (oops, I mean theatre).




As you can see...





Twelfth Night

Feste's finale song, 'The Wind and The Rain' with lyrics that could have deep meaning to many here!


When that I was and a little tiny boy,

With hey, ho, the wind and the rain,

A foolish thing was but a toy,

For the rain it raineth every day.


But when I came to man's estate,

With hey, ho, &c.

'Gainst knaves and thieves men shut their gate,

For the rain, &c.


But when I came, alas! to wive,

With hey, ho, &c.

By swaggering could I never thrive,

For the rain, &c.


But when I came unto my beds,

With hey, ho, &c.

With toss-pots still had drunken heads,

For the rain, &c.


A great while ago the world begun,

With hey, ho, &c.

But that's all one, our play is done,

And we'll strive to please you every day.

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Here's a couple from Sexual Perversity in Chicago which I lit a couple of weeks ago



Bit of L071 in your backlight sir? (Apologies for the slightly out of focus pic... You get the idea)



Nice 'n warm



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Ok, here goes.


These are from a revue I lit last week for a local amdram group. The show was called "Nightlife", and was staged in their village hall.


If I've done this right (thanks Wilf), clicking on a thumbnail should open a larger image.



Three cats sat on a wall. Notice the luvverly star cloth twinkling behind them.



Ladies & Gentlemen, the Cabaret.



What shall we have for dinner?



Feelin' Good!


Yes I know the last shot is overexposed, but it does show the very nice Rosco #371 backlight.


This production was brought to you by an entirely generic rig, a GSX and some ChromaQ CQ1 scrollers.


Thankyou and goodnight!


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Soundie alert here!


Local Village Pantomime.


FOH SX300 style tops and SB121 subs




Onstage, 2 Control 1 style for keys + dance foldback. (not the colourful roll drop making a cameo)




Control, Hid the analouge desk, Submixed the band and only took the submix and radios to the DDX3216. SFX was played back from SFX, which also automated mic eq swaps, mutes, FX and delays. (Sorry it's out of focus)




OK - I know I'm only supposed to post 3 pictures but as this one is an embarasing one I thought I could get away with it. (don't look at the mess of cables.)




(Note the tight village hall wing space - as in had to squeze amp rack in as prompts seat (One on night she swung her legs and switched off the band's wedges. The percussionist upstairs was fine as she just turned up the sound on her TV, The MD downstairs was very bemused when no sound came out of her clavinova. and even more confused when the cast started singing on time and in key - she almost thought she had selective deafness. she was playing away, couldn't hear herself but everyone else appeared to. )) Oh and note VCR (Backstage RF modulator) and some of the radios.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's the University of Gloucestershire Summer Ball, happening tomorrow night- sneak preview!! Just finished the rig, (working as Support rigger.) consisting on Mac 250/500/600 and plenty of Generics, flown off the MotherGrid on 12 Motors. Looks kinda funky. I might well add somw more piccys of Girls Aloud and Fun Loving Criminals if I get a chance tomorrow night.


The Link. Couldn't get Dreamwaever to let me put a new page on my company website, so it's on the private website. Hey ho.

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OK... school concert last month. decided to go a bit crazy with the lighting. Worked quite well though, and I think some of the less crazy items still looked good. Photos arent great (I didnt take them!) and the battery apparently ran out at the interval, so nothing of the genious I plotted for the jazz band at the end...


Something.. normal... a bit overexposed.



My funk band.. with me playing in that pic. It looked really nice (honest)



solo sax piece...



and what I did to the drum kit ;)



Im really pleased with it actually - not one of the most exciting designs I've ever done (I didnt know anything about the positions of everyone until the day itself), but definately one of the most successful. If I can get these JPEGs from the macs at school to transfer then I'll post a few more.



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Finally ive found a couple of pics in the depths of my hard drive/digital camera, both church gigs with very limited budgets!




This one is from a tribute show at Church on friday where our youth group dressed up as characters from films and danced around to songs from that film (mary poppins, wizard of oz, blues brothers etc!) It just shows a clear stage with the audience currently eating their buffet meal!




And this ones from a gig in the same last summer as part of CreationFest.



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  • 2 weeks later...

A few pics from a fashion show I did last summer


Spot where the smoke machine is



One of my tutors asking for more smoke B-)



A dress made from cardboard and corks, lovely :blink:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

After seeing a new post in the tea break section about shows, it prompted me to sort out the pics of a gig I was working on the other week. It was the Essex Scout jamboree.


First Pic


Second Pic


Couple of toys on it, as well as this stage there were 4 other live stages but in marquees, so kept the few of us running it all fairly busy. This stage had 4 broadcast cameras on it, live mixed back on to the screen which made the whole thing much better for us at FOH as we could see what was going on!


I will dig out some other nice pics at some point soon, just as there had been no recent updates to this topic I thought it was time to revive it, any one else been up to anything interesting?



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