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Need a 24-32 channel mixer


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Well thanks alot guys,

Looks like I'm gonna have to scrape abit more cash together probably try to up the budget to about £950 to include a flightcase as well, thankls alot for all your hlp and I will take into consideration your points thoughts and ideas when purchasing the first desk I personally own.

BUT one more thing though:

When you choose a desk would you just readall about it get recomendations then hope for the best.

Or would you try to hire it out to give it a try?

Thanks soo much for all your help


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If you can find one, the Behringer MX3282 (not in current production) is a good value live mixer, and while not in the same league as the A&H or others mentioned, serves us pretty well. It has 8 aux outs, 8 subgroups plus L&R out, and doesn't bother with poor quality built-in effects. Longer faders too. We got our from eBay at around £200, and have been very pleased with it. It does have an external rackmount PSU to find room for.


Take a look at some good pictures on this current eBay sale: item number 250315175078 (not connected with me, just happened to pop up on a search.)

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Harry, was that
new or ex demo



OK I admit it was urm... 3rd hand :) , but it was(and still is) in practically new condition.


You can do my shopping any time, nothingatall666. A new 24 channel ML3000 goes for around £3500 before you case it.


sure, although my shopping took around 2 months to find :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have a behringer SL2442FX-PRO, it does the job, is cheap but has a few quirks that you have to get used to, but after that it's fine. At school, we have a Yamaha MG32/14FX which is very good, costs between £600 and £700 if I remember correctly. 6 auxs, 4 subs, two inbuilt good quality efx units. I would personally reccomend it if you have the funding.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I like both A&H and Soundcraft. I prefer the master layout of the A&H. The big thing for me though is that the A&H's low mid sweeps down to 35Hz. This comes in very handy both for cutting bumps, and for dialing in sub-lows without getting the mud that one gets when using the bass control (which says 60 or 80, but also gives a lot of boost as high as 200 or more). The Mackie Onxy is also good, but I prefer the A&H.


OR, get a 01V/96 and some Behringer preamps.

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