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Robert Juliant are the best Spots by far, ATM.

Selecon did a range, and their optics are sceond to none.

Not too sure of the Shadow. Professional hoo-ha. Not impressed.

What you may be worth looking at is the pani HMV1200.

The Pani HMV2400 blows a trouper out the water....

Or go for a Strand Solo CSI.

They are very good. And accurate.

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As dmxtothemax says, keep looking on Ebay.


I picked up a CCT Minuette for £50.00 on there about 2 weeks ago (complete with a rusty old Strand stand, which I have since refurbished). I think it is about 650W, smaller than the usual, and only has a few controls to get wrong.


However, on the plus side, it will deliver a decent intensity beam at about 10 - 15 meters, and is light enough to be carried easily by one able-bodied person.



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