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Zero88 frog series


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If you've not done any moving light programming then the frog may be the way to go, as long as it's not in its "Tracking Lite" mode then it's simple enough, with a little thought about dark moves and the like. However, a lack of a proper tracking mode, difficulties in doing follows, no command line etc etc really turns me off of a frog (I use a Bullfrog at school) and makes me miss the 520 (which I use at work). I've got an MA this week for my show though, so it's all good :)
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Surely if you have no experience of using moving heads on either desk, the better option will be using the desk you are about to get training on. If your supplier is in anyway decent (s)he will make sure that you are very happy with the desk before they leave.

As to the person saying that the OP is in a position to tell the supplier that they don't want the desk I would say that the OP is not really, from my understanding the OP is a student so although as the operator may have some say in what they require it would appear rude to tell the supplier no I don't want your desk.

If I was in your position and not happy about using the Fatfrog I would wait til the supplier had gone and used the 300 (well I would not use a 300 but thats my own personal view) and then nobody is upset?

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As somebody who owns and uses a Fat Frog I would say that it can initially be quite cumbersome to program movers on but once you understand it, it is quite easy. I always work on the fact of go for the desk you are most comfortable with (I won't comment on the Strand 300 as never really got to grips with it but that is due to never really using it)
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Sorry to be a bit late in on this post. But let me get this right... Your school has decided to hire in 12 moving fixtures without actually having anyone on board who is capable of programming them? And that the hire company haven't actually been briefed on what desk you have in the first place, so they decided to throw a far inferior product on board as well?


Good Luck!


PS I personally wouldn't bother with the Frogger game. As someone who spent much of my A level time fixated on it, it isn't a patch on the original and is virtually impossible

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A little update.... We installed the moving lights today, they all set up and patched now... finally... Now it's just a matter or getting all the memories set for the show coming up.


We are using the Fat Frog desk for the moment, it seems pretty easy to control movers with (possibly too easy.... therefore limiting?) but we will see....

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