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Software to normalize MP3`s


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I've been investigating - it's called Jazler, not jazzler and there is a user forum run by the manufacturer, where one of the topics is normaliZation, with a Z, not an S - and it's here.


They even suggest the software to do batch normalisation, as requested.


I know it hurts, but for goodness sake - when people who OWN the software, don't even know how to spell it, or be aware a user forum for it exists - why have I just spent ten minutes expanding my knowledge when I don't even have it!


Also worth noting that in my research, I also found it to be one of the most pirated pieces of software I've found for a while - more sites offering cracked copies than real ones!


This seems a real shame as it isn't even expensive to buy the most advanced version.

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I agree Jazler was a bargain , only £250 , well worth the money.


Its not as if Jazler is a household name ,, Im still struggleing to spell berihnger ??? ** laughs out loud **


I know that Jazler suggest using mp3 gain but I just wanted to see if anyonehad any experience in using software. Many programmes claim to do a lot , but in practice just how well do they do it well ? I prefer personal comments.


As it happens iv use MP3GAIN and its done a super job .


I simply wanted my automated playback to be smooth and not jumping up and down . AND ITS WORKED !!


It also dealt with my batch of 5000 plus Mp3s only took about 1hr.


Thanks to all the blueroomers for your help ,,Thanks Bruce for the PM`s

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Like Shez said though, it's all well and good recommending loads of different bits of software, but I don't reckon that's gonna solve your problem. Like he(she?! sorry!) said, it doesn't automatically make everything the same volume, but instead, the loudest bit of every track will be 0dB. The problem occurs when (this is an off the wall example!) there is an instrument playing for 5 seconds at twice the 'volume' of all the other instruments, that loud part will be set to 0dB, and the rest of the track adjusted accordingly... ie. it is still quiet.


If it's a radio station, will there not always be someone there to adjust levels?

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