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The Boogie Man

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1) LED Head torches are worth their weight in gold and are now dirt-cheap - see THIS for example.

2) Always put fresh batteries in battery-powered kit before the show starts - you can use the part-used batteries in something else not mission-critical.

3) Correction pens, intended for correcting typescript, make good white markers for labelling up black equipment. Also handy for putting a white line to mark the top of any connector that has to be plugged-in a specific way round, e.g. s-video connectors.

4) If using a PC for a performance, disable anything you don't need to be running, e.g. automatic updating, wifi, and especially any scheduled jobs like disk defragging, virus scanning etc

5) If working with a band and you're not familiar with their music, a set list is often insufficient, particularly if they run 2 songs together - make sure you have some definitely established way of knowing which song they are on!

6) If you use non-moulded 13A mains plugs, secure the cable contact screws with a dab of epoxy, or they will work loose sooner or later, no matter how hard they are done up.

7) Only ever lend tools against a deposit if you want to be sure of getting them back (obviously doesn't apply to friends - does it?)

8) Always mark your gaffer tape so you can prove its yours - this can save endless arguments and bad feeling!

9) First job of any setup should be to check all mains sockets you will be using with a Martindale (or similar) tester - 5 minutes that couild save your (or someone else's) life. Just because they were OK last week doesn't mean they will be OK this time...

10) Last job, after the van is loaded, is to have a good look around to make sure you haven't left anything behind - my 'favourite' is to leave strobe warning notices up!

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10) Last job, after the van is loaded, is to have a good look around to make sure you haven't left anything behind - my 'favourite' is to leave strobe warning notices up!



The "###### Check" second most important thing after getting to the gig with plenty of time to spare ;)

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Some of mine I try to get others to pick up...


A. Moron Proof EVERYTHING when opping, note down ALL cues even the obvious ones with all infromation, imagine someone else might need to opp..

This happened to me last weekend as I fell EXTREMELY ill the day of the opp and a replacement had to take over.

It also covers for crap showcallers... which I have seen many!


B. Dont tape ANYTHING till the last minute.

How many times have we all taped a cable down just to run another ontop.. do it once, do it right!


C. Theres nothing wrong with leaving a few cm's of cable coiled under a tripod. WHEN the client wants X light/speaker/mic etc moved... you can.


D. For public speakers.. polietly explain the use of THAT mic on THAT day.. you and the speaker work as a team.. your not his "amplifier". he still needs to present.


E. The job is (in my view) well over 50% customer care, remeber he who pays may not want whats technically best. Its not your job, its theirs.


F. you can NEVER have enough insulation tape for a derig!


G. NEVER EVER EVER EVER state you know something you dont, especially to the client. 99% of the times it will catch you out! For me, showing honesty and willing to research and find an "official answer" shows more responsibility in a person.


H. No question is a stupid question, unless its asked repeatedly. Double checking things with a client shows attention to detail, not a lack of ability.


I. Leatherman, AJ, zip ties and tape.... always on your person.


J. Know your bodies limits. If you are REALLY close to your physical limit of tirdness... come to an arrangement for a break. You'll just hurt yourself or someone else if you dont.


got many more but thats enough...

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I do not want to throw a spanner (leatherman) in the works but I thought as letherman tools have been mentioned in this thread



"Knives under three inches such as penknives may be carried if you have a good enough reason such as work. If they have a LOCKING MECHANISM of any sort they are 100% ILLEGAL and the penalty for carrying one is immediate arrest, detention until brought before magistrate and a hefty fine, or if carrying with intent, Jail." Thanks to the PSA for this info


As leatherman has a locking blade it means they fall under this.


So my top tip is that befor you go out the door take off your letherman, Gerber, Stanly knife etc unless you want to be detained at Her Majesty's Pleasure.

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I do not want to throw a spanner (leatherman) in the works but I thought as letherman tools have been mentioned in this thread



"Knives under three inches such as penknives may be carried if you have a good enough reason such as work. If they have a LOCKING MECHANISM of any sort they are 100% ILLEGAL and the penalty for carrying one is immediate arrest, detention until brought before magistrate and a hefty fine, or if carrying with intent, Jail." Thanks to the PSA for this info


As leatherman has a locking blade it means they fall under this.


So my top tip is that befor you go out the door take off your letherman, Gerber, Stanly knife etc unless you want to be detained at Her Majesty's Pleasure.



this is interesting, as according to the police national legal database:


"Possession of a multi-tool incorporating a prohibited blade/pointed article is capable of being an offence under this section even if there are other tools on the instrument which may be of use to a person in a public place (screwdriver, can opener).


The ban is not total, it is for the person in possession of such an instrument to prove on the balance of probabilities that he/she had good reason for its possession. It will have to be genuine, for example, someone back packing across the Lake District may reasonably be expected to have a knife for the preparation of meals. It will be far more difficult to justify on the streets of a city or town, but there will be occasions when someone is genuinely going to a martial arts sport or scout meeting (which is easily checked)."


in reality, your advice not to carry obviously etc is still wise but according to this it is not "100% illegal"


would be interesting to know if anyone has ever been pulled up on having a leatherman on them

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I have been pulled with my Leatherman on me several times. Each time I have simply showed it to the officer and told them what my job is, and they have been absolutely fine. I have also been caught with hinge pins,(with the sharp ends) and again I have got away with it.


HOWVER one day I shall learn to empty my pockets before my lunch breaks! ;)


To keep this on topic:

NEVER use flour to cure gig arse............


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On topic: Tampons for gig arse. Horrible but it works, I learned the hard way when stage managing weekend long events.


Off topic: Have been stopped with a variety of tools including leatherman and stanley blade. First question Copper asks: "Do you have anything on you you shouldn't?", "Well officer I am on my way to work and so have all my work tools in the bag including a couple of blades, here's is my boss's / colleague's / client's number please give them a call to confirm"


They have got a bit antsy until they have confirmed I'm telling the truth then it's all fine.

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I got this info from this article on the PSA website as bellow.


"A PSA member almost learned a lesson the hard way when boarding a ferry from Wales to Ireland last week. When asked if he had any sharp objects in the car, he declared his Leatherman in a roll of tools in the boot. It was immediately confiscated because any locking blade is deemed a weapon.


When our man in Ireland visited his local station for clarification, he was told that was lucky not to have been detained.


Knives under three inches such as penknives may be carried if you have a good enough reason such as work. If they have a LOCKING MECHANISM of any sort they are 100% ILLEGAL and the offence for carrying one is immediate arrest, detention until brought before magistrate and a hefty fine, or if carrying with intent, Jail."


Maybe they take a stricter view on this in Ireland, I am glad to hear that for once common sense seems to prevail in England.


Anyway to make up for my diversion off the topic.


Two tips


Never remove a mains earth to reduce noise it is better to live with a buzz than die in silence!


Any person with enough money can buy or hire great equipment, what makes the difference is the people that come with it.- "Please" and "thank you" cost you nothing but are worth so much to the person you give them too.

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:D No Stephen you may not post these tips anywhere else!!!! They are the top secret teachings of the :(

passed down through generations of crew.


Imagine the chaos if ordinary members of the public began "thinking ahead" or worse still "planning before acting"!!

I mean could you picture the state of the populass if it wasnt for the Darwin award theory.


If people suddenly started "considering" that there may be safe or "thought out" way of doing things we'd never see things like this:







No I think it's best if we keep quiet and let the self cull contine ad finitum. ;)


A concurrent post has been automatically merged from this point on.


Right back on track,


My tip or thought proccess, at the mo is look at all you have/carry and ask how many jobs does it perform?

You'll be amazed how many things can perform multitasks.

Eg, the boxes that seperate the foh cabs on my ground stacks are how all the cables etc, get into the venue.

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Knives under three inches such as penknives may be carried if you have a good enough reason such as work. If they have a LOCKING MECHANISM of any sort they are 100% ILLEGAL and the offence for carrying one is immediate arrest, detention until brought before magistrate and a hefty fine, or if carrying with intent, Jail."


Oh dear, we all better go to the police station straight away to hand all our Leathermans and gerbers, and hope they don't arrest us on the spot. Oh and all our kitchen knives... they are 'locked' open and over 3 inches! I think someone has mis-read the offes





Articles with blades or points and offensive weapons


139 Offence of having article with blade or point in public place


(1) Subject to subsections (4) and (5) below, any person who has an article to which this section applies with him in a public place shall be guilty of an offence.

(2) Subject to subsection (3) below, this section applies to any article which has a blade or is sharply pointed except a folding pocketknife.

(3) This section applies to a folding pocketknife if the cutting edge of its blade exceeds 3 inches.

(4) It shall be a defence for a person charged with an offence under this section to prove that he had good reason or lawful authority for having the article with him in a public place.

(5) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (4) above, it shall be a defence for a person charged with an offence under this section to prove that he had the article with him—

(a) for use at work;

(b) for religious reasons; or

© as part of any national costume.

(6) A person guilty of an offence under subsection (1) above shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.

(7) In this section “public place” includes any place to which at the material time the public have or are permitted access, whether on payment or otherwise.

(8) This section shall not have effect in relation to anything done before it comes into force.

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