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Small Install Speaker

Sound In Gloucestershire

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Hello I have a small speaker install on the go at the moment, we are just picking out speakers. Now this is only background level stuff, but you guys know your stuff!


Browsing CPC catalogue, I see this http://cpc.farnell.com/jbl/control-1st/spe...of-8/dp/LS03335


now, maybe ive read it wrong, but there are 8 x JBL Control 1 speakers rated at 50w each for just £165.60 Including wall brackets


Has anyone had any experiences with these? It wont be loud, just quiet infill for people eating. Im just a little shocked by the price, youd think the brandname alone would add an extra load onto it. If anyone knows of anything similar or better to suggest (for the price), id be happy to listen


Any opinions are appreciated, thanks

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I'd advise caution here - the Control 1 seems to have been through many different revisions over the years, and so the sound I remember from one set isn't necessarily the sound I'd expect from another.


For those unable (or just too lazy) to follow the link, I note we're looking at the Control 1ST - not one I've come across personally.


I too am interested in these speakers, but for a very different application. Can we please have some input here from someone who knows and has heard this model compared with the "originals", rather than just what the paper spec's say?

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I've looked on JBL website and there is no mention of Control 1ST, only Control 1 with the same spec as quoted by CPC,

As Solstace says there are many differnt versions of Control 1, 4R, 8R,100V and a version with a slightly bigger bass driver.

AFAIK all called Control 1 and no history or mention of them on JBL website.

That said, we use a pair of Control 1XT and are very satisfied with them.

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Andrew, ive heard those wharfedales in a local bar ive worked in, infact 8 of them in a rather small bar, wasnt impressed by the sound, but then again I dont know what amplifier was driving them and whether it was upto the job or not


theres a bit of doubt about the exact specs on those JBL's, Chris from CPC has been very helpful so far and hopefully should have an exact spec for us in the morning. Basically it states 125W Rms, then closer inside it says peak 200w continous 50w, normally id take the 50w as the wattage but it just doesnt read right, like someones pasted another control1, so chris is checking for me




Id recommend anyone use CPC purely for the level of service provided by Chris

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FWIW, the JBL control series are actually bit of a nightmare. They're incredibly inefficient so require a very powerful amp to get anything out of them - to the point that I've seen a QSC PLX 1602 go into clipping without getting anything useful (as in, just for background music) from Control 25s.


But they are cheap. :D

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