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What do you do to pass the time


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I've been viewing this forum for about 20 mins and have already signed up. (Not to keen on the post viewing style... should get used to it)


However, answering the question -


Depending on who is using the PC, minesweeper and galaga are the way to pass the time (Just make sure they are muted first!!!)


And if that isn't available I create a "fake" show on the lighting board with as many moving heads as I can fit into the patch (about 580 on the Jands Vista), and program effects that will never happen. Sad I know...

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I've been viewing this forum for about 20 mins and have already signed up. (Not to keen on the post viewing style... should get used to it)


There's three viewing 'modes', Click the options button on the top right :)


It's not often I get the chance to read a book or anything. I'm normally sorting through a pile of CDs handed to me minutes before doors to find the next disc!

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I've been viewing this forum for about 20 mins and have already signed up. (Not to keen on the post viewing style... should get used to it)


There's three viewing 'modes', Click the options button on the top right :)


It's not often I get the chance to read a book or anything. I'm normally sorting through a pile of CDs handed to me minutes before doors to find the next disc!


Cheers, it seems so obvious now that you said it

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Well I was always taught that you went on cue no matter if it was wrong in your eyes be it in any operational role.


That is of course, unless it is in the wrong place and you think that executing a cue may be unsafe. This applies to scenery, and flying and pyro of course more than noise and lamp.


You couldn't get away with saying "oh I just fired that and dropped that bar in because he told me to, how was I to know he was going to get a pub front in his head?"

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If I know its a boring show, I usually end up buying a large bag of sweets and bottle of drink, sometimes I may read a mag or newspaper, or maybe, if im really bored I mess around with putting different coloured gels on the little lamp I have next to me.
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One thing that worries me, is that people might be intentionally making shows less cue intensive just for the sake of having some free time.


I am all for the simple is better mantra in some respects but where a show needs subtle cues here and there and they aren't put in it annoys me.


Not saying that anyone does that on here but I have seen it happen and I just think it is wrong.



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One thing that worries me, is that people might be intentionally making shows less cue intensive just for the sake of having some free time.


I am all for the simple is better mantra in some respects but where a show needs subtle cues here and there and they aren't put in it annoys me.


I agree with you fully on that one and have seen some slack, more because no-body can be bothered inserting the extra cues in.


When you do a show, that comes first and then everything else.

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Always try to pay attention but when I'm doing a classical orchestral show ,which is a case of lights on at the beginning, lights off at the end the mind does wander.


Usually read a paper and do all the crossword.


I now know that I can read the whole of the Daily Mail and finish the cryptic crossword in the length of Brahms Requiem .

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I now know that I can read the whole of the Daily Mail and finish the cryptic crossword in the length of Brahms Requiem .


OT But would you want to! Would much rather listen to the music than get enraged by that horrid paper. End rant.

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One thing that worries me, is that people might be intentionally making shows less cue intensive just for the sake of having some free time.


I am all for the simple is better mantra in some respects but where a show needs subtle cues here and there and they aren't put in it annoys me.


Not saying that anyone does that on here but I have seen it happen and I just think it is wrong.





Whats the point in having extra cues to make your life busier when they probably aren't needed. The design (lighting) might look better with 50 cues than with 100 cues. Theatre lighting has an element (in lots of plays) of creating what seems like "real life" lighting.

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But how can you play "Outrage!" with your buddies if you don't have a copy of the Ha-te Mail?


(a classical style drinking game a mate invented where you either call a random number or roll a couple dice then have to take a shot/slug for every key word or theme/subject in the headlines and stories on that page from a certain list - but you can always play for points / matchsticks / pennies instead. Diana is one of the key modifiers that gets you a double points bonus :))


If I have something long and dull like that to sit through I usually slip into a pattern of working out complex and vaguely useful mathy things that would otherwise be too boring to contemplate working out when there's other things to do. How much music you can get into a certain size player at a particular mp3 rate; ideal gear ratios and top speeds/accelerations for a real or imagined car (including those conceptual hybrids); own accounts for the year ahead; how much energy I use on average in a day. All sorts of crazy stuff like that. The last three are either finding or have previously found use, ultimately (having to replace a whining and suboptimal box; working my way out of debt; judging whether my nan's astronomical electricity bill might actually be reasonable or grounds for complaint). But it's not worth figuring them unless the alternative is sitting quietly through an even duller situation.


Back when I worked in a shop I managed to, off the top of my head and the back of a long receipt, work out just how much running a car actually costs you per year, over the course of a day. It's a surprising amount even for an old banger. If you're doing 10k miles a year it may actually be worth learning, buying and running a 125 scooter alongside so long as you stick with it for at least a couple years and use it in preference to the car as much as you can. (Splashing out to buy a super-efficient car, however, is actually less sensible; the price of a cheap bike is comparable to how much you spend on petrol but the price difference on an eco car is considerably more, even with the tax breaks)


More recently - how cheaply can you actually eat for? A winning foodstuff turns out to be smartprice peanut butter toast. White without other spread, for price preference. Cheap marg and something ending in *mite or *ril for absolute stinginess, but then you can't diversify it into sandwiches if needs be, plus then you need to run a fridge. Under 30p a day if you're strict with yourself, and not actually that nutritionally awful. Will give you the most terrible constipation though, so get a bag of el cheapo Aldi or local market carrots (pretty much the cheapest veg that can be eaten raw) to go with. Call it less than £2.50 a week or a tenner a month. Drinking water of course. Or you could probably squeeze in a weekly carton of UHT semi-skim if you find enough pennies on the ground :** laughs out loud **:.


(the best about that sort of thing is you can do it on your phone or a scrap of paper, or notepad if at a PC, and if you feel you may need the figures when the time comes to get moving, just hit Save or shove the whole lot in your pocket. If you wont, close without save or whop it in the bin)


Yeah... boredom eh B-)

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But how can you play "Outrage!" with your buddies if you don't have a copy of the Ha-te Mail?


(a classical style drinking game a mate invented where you either call a random number or roll a couple dice then have to take a shot/slug for every key word or theme/subject in the headlines and stories on that page from a certain list - but you can always play for points / matchsticks / pennies instead. Diana is one of the key modifiers that gets you a double points bonus :))


The simple answer is that you shouldn't be palying drinking games when working on a show, ever :** laughs out loud **:

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