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Someone said something odd today at work...

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obviously mr health and safety man didnt think of the fact that getting a 35-odd kilo moving head onto and off a bar when it needs cleaning, servicing, gobos changed ect is far more dangerous than popping up a ladder and grabbing a 5 kilo par can down, changing the gel ect...


Interesting and very valid point.

But I'm thinking, and I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but when it comes to annual serviceing, is it not possible to service 'in situe' as such? Obviously not with the thing still hung, but if a reasonable sized scaffold were used with enough workspace then couldn't the units be services there?

The engineer would need to take tools and spare parts up top, but that would be easier than getting the units down to ground zero.


I've opened up and cleaned generics like that before now, not quite the same I know :blink:

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^Could be done I guess, but then wouldnt the h+s boys be worried about the extended period you were working at height?


besides, if theyre on the ground, when you drop that TINY little screw, its easier to find it than if its dropped a few metres and bounced all over the place :blink:

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I don't believe I am the knob originally quoted, but who am I to judge. My point in my brief comment was that an article like the one I read and referred to for most people in the theatre world represents an aspirational goal rather than an operational reality, and
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very interesting but I'd already assumed (given that I have some experience of budgets and purchasing) when reading the article that an organisation as busy and professional as the Albert Hall wouldn't have taken this steps unless the benefits were real, both in financial terms and in a practical sense

Conversely, large prestigious organisations also seem sometimes to have grant money to spend on a "use it or lose it" basis, as in: "Quick, the financial year is nearly over - buy something!"


... but that would be easier than getting the units down ...

It really wouldn't you know. :blink:

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^Could be done I guess, but then wouldnt the h+s boys be worried about the extended period you were working at height?


besides, if theyre on the ground, when you drop that TINY little screw, its easier to find it than if its dropped a few metres and bounced all over the place :blink:


How true about the screw!... and I'm a poet and didn't know it :blink:


If you were on a reasonable sized platform, I wouldn't see the time being a real issue. Apart maybe from going up and down for T's & P's, it would still be less climbing than bringing each individual unit up and down. B-)


... but that would be easier than getting the units down ...

It really wouldn't you know. :D


:D I guess you must go well tooled up :D :blink:

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