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Sennheiser copy or not?


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I suspect it's a copy - however you probably have to get it to check for certain. The giveaway, I think is the G2 label on a G1 system - I Googled the serial number in the picture and got this web link.


The fact that somebody has posted that they have your serial is enough I suggest to worry me.


That said, the main problem would be the non-UK operating frequency. If you haven't paid, then I suspect if it were me, I'd email the seller telling him that you've been advised the label is off the wrong receiver, and give him the web link for the link above - and ask him to confirm this is genuine. If he can't, then don't pay and report the sale to ebay - BUT keep copies of the web page, the pictures and any communication with the seller, just in case.


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Having just done a quick comparison between the pictures posted here by John, the ones on Ebay and the Sennheiser Website I would say to keep clear and heres why:-

1. The front of the receiver only says "EW100" not "EW100 G2" which is what is written on all the known genuine ones I have looked at.

2. The Microphone is also only marked as "EW100" not "EW100 G2"

3. According to the Sennheiser FAQs (here) all G2s should have a balanced XLR output - this is missing from the Ebay item.

4. The data port shown in John's photo is also missing.

5. Colour/design differences noted earlier in the thread.

6. Voltage/Current differences noted earlier in the thread.

7. Not an allowed UK frequency range (as far as I can tell).


Now I will admit that I don't have major experience with the Sennheiser units and can accept that there may be slight differences as you go from early to later versions of the same product but there are too many noted above for my liking.

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Having just done a quick comparison between the pictures posted here by John, the ones on Ebay and the Sennheiser Website I would say to keep clear and heres why:-

1. The front of the receiver only says "EW100" not "EW100 G2" which is what is written on all the known genuine ones I have looked at.

2. The Microphone is also only marked as "EW100" not "EW100 G2"

3. According to the Sennheiser FAQs (here) all G2s should have a balanced XLR output - this is missing from the Ebay item.

4. The data port shown in John's photo is also missing.

5. Colour/design differences noted earlier in the thread.

6. Voltage/Current differences noted earlier in the thread.

7. Not an allowed UK frequency range (as far as I can tell).


Now I will admit that I don't have major experience with the Sennheiser units and can accept that there may be slight differences as you go from early to later versions of the same product but there are too many noted above for my liking.


Hi, All, let me wade in here because I too have bought a fake Sennheiser, which we affectionately call the CHIN-HEISER... What kind of batteries does it use? If it uses the square 9v batts and calls itelf a G2 it is a fake.. Also, I agree with my friend PaulEars and my Chin_heiser has no threaded holes at the bottom.. But all in all the frequency thing and the labelling thing would put me off.. So I advise you to stay away...

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Me again!


I recently made a bid for an item on e-bay but was outbid a couple of minutes before it ended. I later received a Second Chance Offer on the same item; the winner must have decided that they didn't want it after all.


Contact the seller to say that you have changed your mind and he will probably offer the next bidder the Second Chance Offer.


My mate bought an amp from the same seller and he said that he was very pleasant to deal with.



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