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remember the speakers I bought from maplin?


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Dead horse & flogging. comes to mind.


Give up.

Have a pint, get over it and be happy leasons have been learnt.



It sucks but these things happen.


My lesson learnt in similar style is, 2nd hand ebay laptops.. no-no.

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One company I buy from now & again stick a big A4 notice on all of their packages explaining that you're entitled time to check the goods and that signing for them makes claims against the courier almost impossible


Would that be Roche AV by any chance? :D


I would actually take them to task over it if need be. Roche's wording is that YOU MUST INSPECT blah blah blah... However, goods are delivered to our school main office, and I am normally working 1km away on the other school site across town. The secretary signs for deliveries.

What amuses me is that Roche deal with a lot of schools, so they know darn when how it works!


We also accept deliveries during school holidays, in theory it could be 4-5 weeks before I open a package.....



EDIT: Sorry :oops:

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