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Turned down immediately for work

Sarah Q

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it was so unusual for a girl to apply for a maintenance job that he had assumed that I was unsuitable without reading my CV.


So it was indeed a case of sexual discrimination then? They have broken the law there.


Nevertheless, congratulations on getting an interview and I hope you get the job and prove his initial reaction wrong.

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it was so unusual for a girl to apply for a maintenance job that he had assumed that I was unsuitable without reading my CV.


So it was indeed a case of sexual discrimination then? They have broken the law there.




Yes, I was the only female in 75 applications and it was assumed that I was not qualified. Proving that in a court of law would be far more difficult, despite the woman admitting that over the phone, but I think I have sufficiently proved them wrong now, even if I am ultimately not successful in getting the job. Hopefully next time the gentleman in question will not be so quick to judge....

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Congratulations on getting this far. Hope you get the job after all this effort.


I agree that females are as capable as males, I used to work with a female steel worker, she was more capable than a lot of the men around her.

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Glad to hear this is turning into a positive situation.


I can speak as someone who shortlists on a fairly regular basis.


Yes, admitting that your CV was dismissed without being read because you are a girl is not the brightest move by this company. (the fact they admitted to you is surprising).


But, when faced with 75 applications to shortlist down to, say, ten, it really is a case of speed reading/scanning. If the skills they are looking for are buried on page 2/3 of a CV, or that they are not directly relevant then the likelihood is that they will get missed. People (myself included) spend hours tweaking CVs, but in reality, they probably get glanced at for 10 seconds.


That, in my opinion is why your follow up email has worked so well - it was just a couple of paragraphs and told them exactly what they needed to hear in as few words as it is possible to say them in. In other words folks, ALWAYS tailor your covering letter/email to the job you are applying for.

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But, when faced with 75 applications to shortlist down to, say, ten, it really is a case of speed reading/scanning. If the skills they are looking for are buried on page 2/3 of a CV, or that they are not directly relevant then the likelihood is that they will get missed. People (myself included) spend hours tweaking CVs, but in reality, they probably get glanced at for 10 seconds.

Ten secs is being generous! It's not unknown for employers to just glance at a CV and bin it if it doesn't look suitable. Even if they miss a few good candidates, the chances are that they'll still have more than enough people to call to interview, any of which could do the job perfectly.


In other words, it's a lottery and you can't expect it to be fair.


But getting an instant rejection on the grounds of your sex is obviously out of order and illegal and it's good that the company has realised that they messed up.


Hope all goes well.

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