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Sanyo PLC-XP56L


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I have the above projector and iam looking for a mount frame so it can be flown or double stacked with ease


doe any one know the best place to look ?



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the unicol cradles leave an awful lot to be desired, they are industry standard but I'm not sure why (well actually its because of their really good TV + Plasma stands, but their hanging solutions are less than brilliant)


I've had my own design of cradle manufactured to deal with the issues that the unicol ones fail on - specifically I aimed to make a cradle which would stay on the projectors in a flightcase, and would allow for tabletop use without the annoyance of removing the cradle. I've been using this design on sanyo XP series projectors for a few years and found them to be much more continent than the unicol ones. The only disadvantage I've found with these cradles is that they are harder to setup on a long drop than a unicol who's pole can be exchanged for a longer one. It's pretty rare that this is an issue though and its easy enough to make a drop bar to rig my cradles on, though admittedly it is not quite as neat when rigged like that, but that's only really an issue for corporate jobs.




These cradles come it at around £75 each, another advantage over the unicol ones which cost double that...


I'm about to embark on the process of getting an stacking frame type of cradle made for the Sanyo XP100 / 200 - again I'm aiming to have a design which is solid and easy to use, without the massive price premium that current commercial efforts seem to have (I was quoted £800 each for stacking frames for the XP100 by a commercial manufacturer!)

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We mainly use the xp series of projectors and have a number of the flying brackets, I don't really see how sleepytom's bracket is particularly different to a unicol, as it still has no roll adjustment.


I designed and built two brackets for our xp100's based on the barco flying system, but giving full pitch, roll and yaw adjustment, these cost me £20 in aluminium and about 3 hours of time. These are not a cradle type, but I also have a full design that includes a cradle with an option for double stacking flown projection. The only time I have double stacked and flown xp100's I flew them side by side and that was fine.


PSL in their auction had a load of XP's in barco 6000 series flying frames, slightly overkill, but would allow them to be stacked of flown easily.

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yeah the lack of roll is an issue, although the cradles have multiple suspension points and can be levelled with chains / wires if needed. I have another design for smaller projectors which uses a ball and socket to give full adjustment in both planes, but the XPs are a bit heavy for this design, and it requires tools to dismantle it before the projector goes in its flightcase. Removing the need for any tools was one of my main aims with the design.


the trouble with side by side flying for stacked projection is the amount of space you take up on the truss, ok if you have your own support but if your flying on the front lighting truss then the lampies really don't like having a big gap for video projectors right in the centre of their truss.


I never liked the PSL approach with the barco frames, I think it was more recycling than good design! Hiring a 4k projector and getting a massive flightcase and a big old frame wasn't ideal really.


Have you any photos of your XP100s? I'd be interested to see how others have dealt with the problem.

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The unicol gyrolocks are ok, give you all the roll adjustments etc but are typical Unicol expensive.


Tom, your projector is the wrong way up for flying - the XPs have very little lens shift going downwards and prefer to be hung inverted for ceiling mount.

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The unicol gyrolocks are ok, give you all the roll adjustments etc but are typical Unicol expensive.


Tom, your projector is the wrong way up for flying - the XPs have very little lens shift going downwards and prefer to be hung inverted for ceiling mount.


I agree. The cradles look good but, assuming a 'standard' zoom lens, if the projector is level with the top of the screen it needs to be upside down. The beam is not symmetrical. It follows a near horizontal path at the bottom of the projector and angles upwards. If you position the projector 'right way up' at the top of the screen it will have to be angled down very steeply introducing more keystoning.


The U/D ratio of the lens shift is between 10:0 and 1:1 (check page 9 of the user manual for a diagram). So the projector needs to be aligned between the 'bottom' of the screen and the middle of the screen. If you hang the projector upside down (ceiling mount) then the bottom obviously becomes the top.


Different lenses have different beam characteristics. A 0.8:1, for example, might need to be aligned with the centre of the screen. (Lens shift might not work with some lenses)

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Tom, your projector is the wrong way up for flying - the XPs have very little lens shift going downwards and prefer to be hung inverted for ceiling mount.


Actually the cradle works both ways round. I just took the photos with the bracket mounted on the top side as it had been used that way up the last time before the photos were taken. I fairly often find myself flying projectors below screens for rear projection, maybe not the most conventional approach but again something which my cradles were designed to allow.



the unicol gyrolock is not rated for the XP series (unless you don't put a lens in them then they are just light enough for the unicol!) Unicol gyrolocs are really designed for installation anyway not mobile use. They need way too many tools and are fiddly and annoying to setup.


ost conventional approach but again something which my cradles were designed to allow.



the unicol gyrolock is not rated for the XP series (unless you don't put a lens in them then they are just light enough for the unicol!) Unicol gyrolocs are really designed for installation anyway not mobile use. They need way too many tools and are fiddly and annoying to setup.

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the unicol gyrolock is not rated for the XP series (unless you don't put a lens in them then they are just light enough for the unicol!) Unicol gyrolocs are really designed for installation anyway not mobile use. They need way too many tools and are fiddly and annoying to setup.


That's odd, so the ones fitted to the XP57s that I use shouldn't be on there? Beg to differ on that.

Not designed for mobile use?
They are fine for that.
Too many tools?
1 x allen key is all that is needed.


Are we talking about different Gyrolock systems? You can certainly buy them for the XP55 range.


fairly often find myself flying projectors below screens for rear projection, maybe not the most conventional approach but again something which my cradles were designed to allow.


Certainly not conventional but I can see why you may need to do that so fair enough - just that I have come across cradles so badly designed as to make it a PITA to rig for flying.


Saying that - reading the OP they are useless for double stacking...

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Tom, your projector is the wrong way up for flying - the XPs have very little lens shift going downwards and prefer to be hung inverted for ceiling mount.


Actually the cradle works both ways round. I just took the photos with the bracket mounted on the top side as it had been used that way up the last time before the photos were taken. I fairly often find myself flying projectors below screens for rear projection, maybe not the most conventional approach but again something which my cradles were designed to allow.



Well if it works both ways then it looks like a very neat and cheap solution.

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