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Just FX Pyro Awareness Course - Sun 19th July


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...are fireworks and stage pyrotechnics going to be classified together?



The EU directive, and hence the UK regulations, cover 4 categories of fireworks, 2 categories of 'theatrical' devices and 2 other categories (eg air-bag initiators). Each is treated separately.


...could this be because they are the most commonly used devices?



Maroons on the other hand..... The issues are mainly flying debris related.

Although the debris will very rarely travel further than the appropriate safety distance for noise.

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Back on the original topic, even though the Pyro Directive diversion is important, The best available way of getting up to date wilh the regs that govern pyro is to do the course and watch the members' area of the site. Best practise evolves, and legislation changes. If you don't start correctly there is no chance of remaining safe and lawful for long, and the insurance that covers your activity (whether yours or your employer's ) will have grounds to wriggle if they find failures in best practise or legal compliance.
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Many thanks to all of you who commented. Your comments are well appreciated.


Brian, Ynot and Jivemaster, thanks for all the comments....(and the rest too!)


I need to get myself a little more 'up to date', I think.


To explain....the last pyro job I did was many years ago , however I have recently been tasked (if that's what you call it :D ) to shoot a music video.....


I want!


4x Gerb 2x Vertical 2x 45-60 degrees.... (haven't calculated the angles yet). IVI is the sort of effec I want to achieve....With the V part on either side of the drum riser.




8x Silver Stars Vertical 4x4 config

8x Silver Jets Vertical 4x4 config

1x Silver Jet On the bass Guitar headstock. (that'll be interesting :angry: ).


There's a few camera angles, (and we'll only have one camera) so some of the shots may need to be duplicated.


So thanks to all, just trying to get up to date, and as Ynot's OP suggests, there's a little work to do!


Nigel T.

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