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Plasa 09


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Comfy shoes,really, it gets old quick tramping round.


Plenty of cheap cafes around Earls Court and plenty of very expensive cheese sannies within.


Would like to see some more zoomable LEDs apart from A7/301 and presumably VLX and at other end of market something simple to operate, self contained and cheap specifically for controlling heaps of LED Pars would be handy

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collect as many lanyards as you can and hang them around your neck, and raid every stand you pass for swag and carrier bags. That is what's supposed to happen at PLASA on DJ Sunday, isn't it?



atleast this year I will be able to use the lanyards for my college ID. (I'm thinking a different one for each day of the week ;) )


on the bags side of things, bit of advise to any 'children' going. The bags are not everlasting just because they have 'soundcraft' or 'mackie' on them, although the martin bag I got 2 years ago still travels with me (and holds plenty of IEC's)


Let's not forget to claim that you wrote part of X software and are speccing an install in Y and Z!


:o I've never lied once!


Jerome, you'll have a great time surrounded with the industry you love, and people with the same interests. keep your eyes open and you'll spot some weird and wonderful stuff! ;)

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Haven't been to Plasa for years , used to go to another pro sound and light show in London years ago , can't remember what it was called. ( Whatever happened to LIVE magazine , loved the story about the bloke who did the sound gig for the Emporer of Tajikstan with his rig in a ex-russian helicopter ) ( And what was the other magazine called before that , that used to have all the concert listings with crew and company credits in it ).


Anyway , whats the deal with registration , went on the site the other day , and unless I registered before the end of April (?) they want a tenner. I know a tenners not much , but its the principle , given that its a trade show , and I have just ordered 14 grands worth of kit from a british manufacturer's local distributor.


Or should I just try blag a freebie from one of my suppliers.

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Anyway , whats the deal with registration , went on the site the other day , and unless I registered before the end of April (?) they want a tenner.

Pulsar usually helps out. Visit their website ;)


Incidentally, Live! effectively became Total Production. Live! was the one that had the production listings. The only other magazine I know of is LSi.

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Bugger I wernt going to bother this year,however if chamsys are there I may well attend as ive 1001 questions for you,any free beer on the stand :P


And we would be happy to answer all 1001 of them for you! Beverages tbd...

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And Monday.. some even skived off school/college to make it to the Tuesday last year.


Aarg, that only leaves Whacked Out Exhibitor Wednesday free of the carrier bag brigade which is never a good day coz you traders are short on enthusiasm as well as goodies.


Will be there Mon and Tues. If anyone sees me either looking vague or talking too fast (my two natural states), do say hello.

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Guest lightnix
Don't forget to wear your school 'stage crew' t-shirt, collect as many lanyards as you can and hang them around your neck, and raid every stand you pass for swag and carrier bags. That is what's supposed to happen at PLASA on DJ Sunday, isn't it?

And don't forget to let us know which school / college you're at, so we know which job applications to automatically bin in the future ;)



...Let's not forget to claim that you wrote part of X software and are speccing an install in Y and Z!

If you really want to impress us, though; all you have to do, is rock up with a signed purchase order for five or six figures worth of kit - that'll get you a beer (even if you are only 16) :)



Aaah I'm looking forward to 4 days on the stand already!

Me too. I was a tad surprised when the boss changed his tune from, "Hmmm... I think it's gonna be a bit too expensive" to, "OK Let's Do It"; but I'm very glad he did :P



We'll be on 2-R11. With lanyards. No beer (sorry), but there may possibly be a coffee machine, for those who need a caffeine hit.



Looking forward to seeing / meeting you all :)

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Comfy shoes,really, it gets old quick tramping round.


We have bar stools :P, find us on 1-G27


("We" being tracelighting, I really should think about the whole corporate user-name thing)

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Sounds like a day of freebies and fun to me. I shouldn't imagine I'll be buying or investing in anything.... student loans don't cover that (I'll keep wishing). Do you get crisps with the beer? :P
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