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Plasa 09


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Just to pick up on a couple on Lightnix's points.


I missed last years but it felt quiet on Monday to me compared to 2 years ago.


A number of people commented on the cost of exhibiting, perhaps 3 days would push their costs down.


All the exhibiters I talked to were pleasant but I am always careful only to talk to them when they are not busy as with 'Wardrobe Supervisor' on my badge I may be interested but am clearly not buying.


Had a nice time in 'The Tournament' later but it was a shame they had no bitter!

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shadowless followspot thingy?


Do you mean 'spotless light' on the PRG stand next to lycian followspots?


That's the one!


I remember the technology being discussed at a seminar about 5 years ago so its nice to see someone's finally got it working...



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Just to pick up on a couple on Lightnix's points.


I missed last years but it felt quiet on Monday to me compared to 2 years ago.


A number of people commented on the cost of exhibiting, perhaps 3 days would push their costs down.


All the exhibiters I talked to were pleasant but I am always careful only to talk to them when they are not busy as with 'Wardrobe Supervisor' on my badge I may be interested but am clearly not buying.


Had a nice time in 'The Tournament' later but it was a shame they had no bitter!


agreed.... but luckily the guiness was of a very high standard. none of that fizzy europop for me.


however, talking of fizz, the one thing that really stood out for me (apart from the blue hair of one of the exhibitors) was the spangly dancefloor / lino on the Le Mark stand. that was definitely a new one on me.

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Yes they were both on the stand.


I have been testing the Touch for a short while and I am genuinely very impressed. Expert hardware & Titan software in a smaller, lighter more affordable frame with the significant advantage of a built-in screen. More suited to theatre and pre-programmed concert touring than busking.


The wing is intended to provide some of the programming advantages that the touch screen gives to the Expert. It also potentially doubles as a second or replacement to external screen.


I was quite impressed with the Touch also. It addresses what I have always seen as the fundamental problems with Avo consoles, and most of the niggling questions I did have seem to be in hand with the next software version. Of course, you can never really tell until you have the desk hooked up to an actual lighting rig, but it looks very promising.


Nice work fellas.



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Well according to the folks at PLASA they reckoned that there were about 30% less exhibitors than normal this year.


Monday and Tuesday were pretty busy while Sunday had a lot less 'tyre kickers' than normal - although I did see a fair few badges with 'head of lighting' from various schools... Wednesday was quite an odd day, definitely quieter but people seemed to come in waves!

Bandit still had half their Guiness left by 5pm on Wednesday - they normally run out...


I got picked up by my boss on the first day, for spending "too long" talking to a student. He pointed out, quite fairly, that this encounter had cost the company a measurable sum of money and that although it was right to encourage TNG, we had to remember why we were there :rolleyes:


I found this a really hard balance to strike - I'll quite happily to chat to students. I'm still one myself so I'm happy to give them the time of day if they're interested in a product. However, I would sometimes find myself looking over their shoulder at people looking at a product that they might actually buy....

Sadly I missed catching up with Paule Constable because I was chatting to someone else and only spotted her as she was walking away from the stand :(


As a punter, my highlights were...


The Avolites power cube - looks like quite a neat box of tricks. I also got a demo of the tiger touch which I really quite liked. The guys at Avo were friendly as ever with one of them taking the time to accompany me around to each item I was interested in while another Avo guy demo'd it.

Oh, and the Avo party was pretty damn good too....


I quite liked the ETC element, it seemed to fit nicely into the hole left by the express while using the now fairly well established Ion/Eos software - some nice updates to that two, I quite liked the virtual ML wheels - great for touch screen.


The DTS infinite pan/Tilt fixture intrigued me. I would like to know more about reliability though and would be interested to know how it works in terms of control.


Sadly, I was pretty disappointed by the Lightlock. Aside from the fact that the resolution of the Mac3s and the ability to hit that actual marking was shocking, the demo was really slow movement - I would like to see them fade out from one location, them MIB as quick as they can before fading up on the next location.


The amount of LEDs a PLASA still seems ridiculous so it was nice to see some serious LED fixtures. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to see the Showtec profile though. GLP seem to be producing their normal high standard of LED fixtures. As I have commented elsewhere on the forum, I think the VLX is pretty incredible. Gekko's Kedo has some nice tricks too, but it's a pity they were only showing the very rough unfinished version.


I saw a couple of BR's - met Joe Bleasdale. Also saw J Pearce around but didn't get a chance to say hi.


Oh, and maybe the best part of PLASA for me this year was being given some greenhippo shorts - they are incredible! Such good hard wearing material and soooo many pockets of so many sizes in all the right places! Highly recommend everyone gets some if they can, just amazing for work.

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What's happened to all the Smaller lighting for clubs?

there was a few stands promoting budget kit showtec etc and a few chinese importers but

Nobody had any real DMX effects for clubs etc that wasn't a mover or LED expected martin to have had a few on display?

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What's happened to all the Smaller lighting for clubs?


I think that's precislely what BPM is for, next month! I'll be trying to get up there, and going by the general consensus that the cost of exhibiting at this years PLASA was a little biting, I'll expect to see a much broader cross section of companies at next years BPM.


...and I don't think Martin do any moonflowers.



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