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Plasa 09


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I keep hearing good things about BPM but just a long way to go for me?

just seems at plasa you just dont see the smaller stuff anymore im not intersted in moonflowers but the smaller DMX kit that is used in hundreds of the smaller clubs across the uk they still sell it all

Maybe im spoilt having spent many of my teenage years visting plasa watcing Pulsar /ClayPaky try and beat Martin in the light show battles shows which lasted 20 mins and sound booths which nearly made your head bleed those where the days

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all the club/dj related stuff is at BPM as others have mentioned


the move from plasa started many moons ago, when Abstract Lighting were a very noticeable absentee


As far as small Club lighting is concerned, at BPM you will find Kam/Prolight/Acme/Chauvet/American DJ who seem to do the moving heads, scanners and spins in 250w halogen or 150w discharge that small clubs thrive on


LED dj lights havnt quite made it into clubs just yet, they are too sameish!


Small club lasers were there, Laserworld and Kam


Apart from that, im not sure what you meant by small club effects. Most small clubs and party bars round here have Abtract VRX installed or clubscans or VR8's, all installed by national companies. Not sure what these companies install now Abstract no longer make them? Although I do have 2 x EVL 150w discharge scanners on the bench which seem quite impressive

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Apart from that, im not sure what you meant by small club effects. Most small clubs and party bars round here have Abtract VRX installed or clubscans or VR8's, all installed by national companies. Not sure what these companies install now Abstract no longer make them? Although I do have 2 x EVL 150w discharge scanners on the bench which seem quite impressive


They mostly install one of the many cheap chinese equivalents of Abstract (and Martin) club/disco fixtures - Futurelight do one which looks completely identical to a VR8. Acme do/did a Futurescan 1 copy which even copied some manual mods on the electronics board. Abstract stopped making them because it was impossible to compete with the flood of copies - they'll still make them as specials if you really want one.

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Did anyone see the Funktion 1 Res 3? its amazingly bid haha


its odd when your in that demo room, you loose scale of everything... everything looks pretty normal it wasnt till id sat down and thought about how akward it is to carry a res2 or how big they look when they are in my kitchen and then compared it to the res3!!! its huge, its basicly a bass bin with a hi/mid in it! ** laughs out loud **, the gear sounded great as usual. and was good to see the E90 doing the business!

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Guest lightnix
LED dj lights havnt quite made it into clubs just yet, they are too sameish!

I find that comment most intriguing, in a non-pisstaking kind of way :blink:


Please tell me...


What do you define as an "LED dj light"?

What sort of "LED dj lights" have you encountered so far?

In what way do you find them "sameish"?

What would be your ideal "LED dj light" - What features wouldit have??

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Most small clubs and party bars round here have Abtract VRX installed or clubscans or VR8's, all installed by national companies.


The clubs round near me all seem to have Robe Clubspots and the like. A few of the bigger ones have Mac250s.



What would be your ideal "LED dj light" - What features wouldit have??


A 'techno' button....?

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alot of the DJ level LED lights (not inc parcans and floods etc) are based on coloured dots, very often they dont even move, just turn on and off. Theyve just progressed to the point of moving dishes etc


They have DJ level LED Scanners and moving heads, but the brightness isnt there for use in clubs just yet

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I'm sure they know what they're doing, but I did notice that all the lasers on the Laserworld stand were at head height, scanning the eyes of everyone watching.


The Laserworld guys were complaining that they had been made to turn their projectors down from 8W to 400mW by the Laser Safety officer. Nice one James!

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Talking of the DTS infinite spinny roundy lots and lotsy... It was a great idea! I was quite taken to the concept! Personally I can't place exactly where I could use it other than maybe a night club because it still works like a normal 'head' control wise, just an extra couple of channels to make it keep rotating!

But the thing that let it down for me was the colour mixing, it was aweful. Uneven and not smooth! You seemed to creating half colours rather than a nice mix! Did any one else notice what mean? Alot of people where takentothe spinny spinny-ness of it!



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I haven't seen this amazing DTS continuous-rotation thing (the small matter of having to go to work robbed me of the opportunity to trudge around PLASA for a day), but everyone seems to be getting very excited about it. Can I just ask ... why? The idea isn't new - those of us who've been around for a little while will remember the Coemar NAT TM from about 13 years ago ...
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