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Borrow a Pearl

Nick LX

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Forgive my ignorance, but why can't the express be used? I thought they had moving light capabilities?

It's not the most fantastic desk at dealing with moving lights. It will do them but not as 'well' or easily as a Pearl or other ML desk.


Why does it have to be a Pearl though? Something like a Fat Frog or Jester would be a lot cheaper and will do what you want easy enough!

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Guest lightnix
I just don't get this. We go on and on.
...Same old Boring Topic...

Don't worry - it's not just you <_<


But while we're here... My car is off the road for the next couple of days, would anyone mind lending me theirs? I promise I'll drive it sensibly and get my insurance extended to cover it - OK ? ;)


Can we close this one now, please? I'm sure that, if anyone just happens to have a spare Pearl lying about, that they're prepared to lend to a near-complete stranger they met on a web forum, then they'll be in touch via PM (as will anyone who has a spare car they can lend me) :** laughs out loud **:


Nighty-night :)

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It's not the most fantastic desk at dealing with moving lights. It will do them but not as 'well' or easily as a Pearl or other ML desk.


That shouldn't be a problem, schoolkids aren't the most fantastic people at dealing with moving lights so the two should be a good match.


I don't quite understand the bit about the desk not doing the lights as well as a pearl would? The desk doesn't 'do' the lights at all, it provides a means of controlling the lights. The quality of the lighting design will depend entirely on the abilities of the lighting designer.

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Basically a pearl will assign a mover to a handle. You then select the handle and have all the attributes down the side which you then have easy access to, which makes prgramming a doddle.


On an express it treats a mover just like a collection of generics - every channel is HTP - so it will map it to a 'fader' effectively so it's like controlling them on a Sirius - of course you can map to channels which don't have faders - AKA are above 48. It's just a bit clunky and takes a lot longer to do stuff. I'm sure there are many more experienced than I at using movers on an express, but I find it a painful process.


Also - I thought you could only patch up to either 100 or 200 channels depending on the 24/48 or the 48/96 - so would there be enough DMX channels available on the express. Please correct me if I'm wrong somebody; it's late and the memory is fuzzy.

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Insist that schools should return to the basics and have to light a 90 minute variety show with 2 Pattern 23s , one with cracked reflector, 2 123s and 2 blue coloured Par 38 lamps in garden fittings controlled by Junior 8 with a dead channel.


Think in danger of shooting messenger, the OP, who has obviously been presented with a situation by others and is exploring their options. Which appear to be a bit wider than just trying to blag a `free hire.`


Free hire, like lunches, there is no such thing, someone has to pay for it somewhere, quite possibly the person trying to help, no good deed goes unpunished.

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Incredibly OT, but I thought I'd just pick on the following, you never know, it may help the OP. Perhaps the question asked is not 'where can I get a free lighting console from?' But more, how can I make this work with the kit I have available?:



On an express it treats a mover just like a collection of generics - every channel is HTP -


You can set channels to be LTP in the channel attributes menu. Alternativly there is a fixture library and editor for the express. You may be able to download the appropriate personality for your movers or LED battens, or with a bit of work, create your own personailities.

Yes it will be easier to use channel faders to control the moving light attributes (assuming you are using a console with channel faders), think Pulsar Masterpiece. If you Patch the movers to the lower channel numbers, you can use the faders, and then use keypad entry to control the upper channels (dimmers), and you would then have a show.



Also - I thought you could only patch up to either 100 or 200 channels depending on the 24/48 or the 48/96 - so would there be enough DMX channels available on the express. Please correct me if I'm wrong somebody; it's late and the memory is fuzzy.


This is true, I only have experience of the 48/96, which has a total channel count of 192. It does have 2 separate universes of DMX, and with some clever patching (think paired dimmers patched to 1 channel rather than two.) you might be able to work the show you have. It wont be easy by any means, but it is possible, it just takes longer.



Focus points are vital for moving light control, working like pallets on the pearl, or groups on the strand. You have a total of 99, and if you reference them in cues, and then update, the changes will track through the show wherever that focus point is used.

The manual is a good place to go for stuff like this, and also the offline editor for any pre-plotting and patching that you need to do.






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